| Victims Want Catholic Official to Stay Locked up
By Barbara Dorris
December 30, 2013
Statement by Barbara Dorris, SNAP Outreach Director, 314-862-7688 SNAPdorris@gmail.com
For immediate release: Monday December 30, 2013
We support DA Seth Williams' effort to keep Msgr. William Lynn behind bars for now. We too worry that he might flee overseas, like hundreds of predator priests - and several corrupt church officials - already have. Why take the risk that a complicit Catholic cleric might escape justice?
Shortly after Archbishop Charles Chaput came to Philly, he was meeting with hundreds of priests and they gave Lynn a rousing round of applause, even though he'd already been charged with endangering children's safety. And since he was convicted, virtually no Philly Catholic official has clearly denounced his wrongdoing.
So it's clear that Lynn continues to enjoy the support of many of his Catholic supervisors and peers, any of whom could help him flee.
For decades, many in the justice system - like many in the pews - have trusted the Catholic hierarchy to act responsibly. That trust has been, and continues to be, repeatedly and egregiously violating, bringing more and more harm to still-vulnerable kids and already-wounded adults. We hope that in this case, the judge takes a more prudent course and keeps Msgr. Lynn locked up until there's a final resolution.