| Our Left Wing Pope Is Just a Creation of Fox News
By Kay Ebeling
City of Angels
December 26, 2013
It woke me up, this idea, probably many others have had it already but isn't it suspicious that our new left wing pope is being guided through the media by a Fox News trollop*? This pic from NCR Online of Greg Burke, papal flack, praying for the camera, gives an idea of what more is in store as Fox News extends its fingers into Rome. Below pic is a stream of news stories about it, more to come from me in January.
For those overseas or on Mars who have not seen it, Fox is better known as Faux News, as it is a 24-hour stream of anti-progressive sound bytes with no basis in fact, delivered by anchorettes in great lip gloss. I can't wait to see how this approach works at The Vatican. They have already shown they don't have the hundreds of thousands of pedophile priest victims on their minds at all anymore with picture released Christmas Day.