Catholic Official's Conviction Overturned

By Barbara Dorris
December 26, 2013

[Associated Press]

Once again, another high-ranking Catholic official who repeatedly endangered kids and enabled predators is escaping punishment.

Once again, another high-ranking Catholic official who repeatedly endangered kids and enabled predators is escaping punishment.

We are heart-sick over this decision and we applaud prosecutors for appealing it. We know thousands of betrayed Catholics and wounded victims will be disheartened by this news.

This ruling gives corrupt Catholic officials encouragement to continue deceiving police, stonewalling prosecutors, ignoring victims, destroying evidence, fabricating alibis, hiding crimes, and protecting pedophiles.

If kids are to be safer, we need to hold employers more responsible, not less responsible, for putting innocent children in harm’s way.

It’s already very hard for victims to find the courage and strength to report to law enforcement. This decision, if it stands, will make it even harder.








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