| 10 Church Leaders in Sex Scandals
The Zimbabwe Mail
December 22, 2013
“Pastors from more than 10 churches accused of rape and sexual abuse" - Ndanga
The ongoing trial of RGM Independent End Time Message church leader Martin Gumbura appears to have opened a can of worms as an increasing number of women are coming forward to report cases of sexual abuse they suffered at the hands of men of the cloth.
The Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ), a grouping of churches, last week disclosed that they have since handed over cases of suspected sexual abuse, spanning more than 10 churches, to the police for further investigations.
ACCZ president Archbishop Johannes Ndanga a loyalists of President Mugabe's Zanu PF said the sudden increase in abuse cases that are being reported to his organisation shows that a number of women have for long been suffering in silence.
“Pastors from more than 10 churches stand accused of rape and sexual abuse. In some cases, the pastors are accused of acts such as drug abuse.
“We hand over all the reports we get to the police and as we speak all the cases relating to these 10 churches are with the law enforcement agents. It would appear the ongoing trial of Gumbura has given women the courage to speak out,” he said.
One of the cases that the ACCZ has since handed over to the police involves the founder of the Mount Olives Church, Wilson Duncan Kwambana, who is accused of seven counts of rape. In case number CR10/ 12 being handled at Harare Central Police Station, Kwambana is accused of luring the victim into being intimate with him through claiming that it was the will of the Holy Spirit.
In a sworn and signed statement, the alleged victim said Kwambana “prophesied” that he had seen that she possessed spiritual gifts hence he wanted to be close to her as they minister.
She alleges that her former pastor, who had a way of linking the Holy Spirit and the spirit of Mbuya Nehanda, is the one who deflowered her after getting the consent to do so from her boyfriend.
“On 2 June 2011 we went to Honde Valley in a mountain called Hwahwazira where he claimed that he wanted to unveil the spirit of Mbuya Nehanda. Pastor Kwambana told Tendai (the boyfriend) that he (Kwambana) was going to have sexual intercourse with me since I was still a virgin.
“There were six of us. I was not comfortable with that, but I was convinced I should do the will of God,” reads part of the statement.
She alleges that Kwambana went on to rape her five more times.
Police have since confirmed that they are investigating the matter amid suspicions that the pastor could have abused several other women who are, however, yet to report the cases.
The high-profile trial of Gumbura has triggered debate over the behaviour of men of the cloth with society eagerly awaiting judgment which is set to be delivered on January 8 next year.
Meanwhile, the mapositori of Johane Masowe eChishanu who worship in Harare’s Budiriro surburb at a place popularly known as paMatanga (tanks) are turning into a cult.
A visit by to the shrine revealed a simple but strict lifestyle.
Their shrine is no different from other mapostori worship places, but their beliefs seem different from other apostolic sects.
Madzibaba Ishmael told this publication how they live and what they believe in.
“The secret of life is to choose what you want be and what you do not want.
“We chose to be vapositori and it is our obligation to keep our church rules every time, ndosaka zvichinzi zvakaoma sekunamata (Worshipping God needs people who stick to principles).
“We believe it is a sin just like killing to experience wet dreams because God has made man and woman for a purpose — that is to help each other,” he said.
Madzibaba Ishmael said experiencing wet dreams was a clear sign that one is old enough to marry but people tend to resist.
“The word says killing is a sin hence having wet dreams is a way of wasting “seeds” and the Johane Masowe Church does not brook this.
“Why should a grown up man have wet dreams when he can get a wife? He should marry, having wet dreams is driven by the devil, it’s something that should never happen to a man,” he said.
“Sending children to school, is also a sin.
“Modern schools are the deathbed of our culture; therefore, we do not allow our children to attend school.
“In schools children are taught to use condoms to prevent getting unwanted pregnancies and STIs.
“Putting on a condom is tantamount to killing because the condom prevents man’s seeds from entering a woman’s body, killing potential babies,” he said.
Madzibaba Ishmael said in schools children are taught to exercise birth control methods such as taking family planning pills and according to church rules, this is killing.
“We teach our children basic skills like farming, carpentry, building and motor mechanics among others, but we are not allowed by the church to seek formal employment as this will jeopardise time to worship,” he said.
Paying lobola is also a sin, according to Madzibaba Ishmael.
“Getting married is okay but trading people is a sin. No one is allowed to sell another person, hence we are not allowed to charge a bride price,” he said.
According to church doctrine, having sex with a woman who is more than six months-pregnant is also a sin.
“Man is not allowed to have sex with a woman who is six or more months pregnant and it is also not good for men to yearn for sex. Owing to this, man is allowed to marry another woman so as to avoid the sin of burning with desire,” he said.
Using a phone and watching television is also not allowed in Masowe yeChishanu Apostolic Church, according to Madzibaba Ishmael.
“We communicate by sending letters since we do not believe in technology. Of course our children do not go to school but as I said before, we teach them basic skills in life, including reading and writing,” he said adding the church bars them from venturing into tobacco farming and visiting hospitals.
“Mupositori chaiye haabvumirwe kurima fodya kana kuenda kuchipatara. Hatitombobati phone zvachose, kana paita emergency hama dzangu dzechirungu dzingatophona panext door ndozoudzwa nemuromo. (We are not allowed to venture into tobacco farming and visiting hospitals for medication. Our doctrine restricts us from using a phone).
“Why should we deal with tobacco? God created us for a purpose and whenever we get sick we go back to God and he has the answer.”
Madzibaba Ishmael said church rules do not allow them to be counted during census and they are not worried about obtaining national identification documents.
“We find no value or benefit from the census, what for after all?” he said.
However, Madzibaba Ishmael dismissed allegations they divorce wives who are non-virgins when they marry.
“Isu kuno hatinyengi vasikana nemuromo asi kuti tinotsvagirwa neDenga. Saka zvekuti munhu anoroora mvana tinongozvinzwirawo munyika umo (We do not propose to girls but they are Heaven-sent, hence we are not known to marry a non-virgin wives),” he said.