| Vatican Bank Closes Thousand Accounts/criminal Transactions Burnt to Leave No Trail of Crimes Further/future Investigations...drowned by Loud Francis-Maniacs at St. Peter's Square
By Paris Arrow
The Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
December 22, 2013
Pope Francis and his Vatican Titanic Deceits Empire of PR media stunts army are doing a “feel-good” Hollywood strategy by making non-stop political photo-ops of Pope Francis with children and the sick so that robotic Catholic Francis-maniacs will continue to flock to St. Peter’s Square and chant, “Francesco, humble Francesco”…….and therefore, those over a thousand lay accounts holders won’t be noticed as they slip in and out circumspectly of the Vatican to close their personal accounts at the Vatican IOR Bank! He was even named Person of the Year by Time Magazine to segue Americans’ attentions away from Vatican crimes of money-launderings with drug lords and terrorism, read our analysis in FRANCIS UPDATES - Time's Person of the Year http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/09/francis-updates-john-allen-and-vatican.html All these Francis-maniacs hollers are being orchestrated to camouflage what is really going on inside the Vatican, the wild active “Gay Lobby” sexual orgies and more importantly, the frenzied closing down of more than a thousand privileged millionaires and billionaires lay accounts in the scandal infested Vatican Bank (see news updates below). All these frantic closing of over a thousand accounts are done for the sole purpose - to delete, shred and burn all files, all transactions and all crime evidence – so as to leave no trail of crimes for further/future investigations in the Vatican Bank. So where are those frenetic closed accounts transferred to exactly? What other banks are ready to welcome countless billions of dollars that belong to exclusive privileged Popes’ friends for decades?
Answer: Quick fast and easiest transfer all done in a secret code of numbers! Switzerland, the secret Vatican Swiss Banks tucked away safely in the Alps, managed by former Swiss Guard Army elite, the one and only twin brother country of the Vatican! “Small countries” indeed, yet the controller of the world’s economy! (Notice the annual exclusive finance meeting in Davos, Switzerland?)
Read our related article Boston hosted former Swiss Guard’s seminar -based on the new “Vatican Trinity”.. Swiss Guards are the financial Navy Seals of the Vatican Bank http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/10/boston-to-host-former-swiss-guards.html
The closing down of more than a thousand accounts are done in the spiritual guise - that they do not belong to the categories of clients which the Vatican bank must now offer its services to: Catholic institutions, clergy, employees or former employees of the Vatican with salary and pension accounts, embassies and diplomats accredited to the Holy See.
Remember the Vatican Bank Bishop/accountant, Bishop Nunzio (ironic name) who is in house arrest awaiting trial? He got his half a million Euros commission directly from the Vatican Bank for smuggling 20 million Euros cash stashed in a small private plane direct from Switzerland to Italy, which proves the Vatican owns SECRET Vatican Swiss BANKS! That was only a one-day trip. Imagine how many trips in one year, and how many trips in decades?! Read about him here with YouTube videos of his arrest straight from the small private plane http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/06/vatican-greedy-mammon-vatican-banks.html
It’s time for the United Nations to abolish the Vatican as a “country” , read our related article, Abolition of Vatican Concordats http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/abolish-vatican-concordat-in-dominican.html
The 1.2 billion Catholics are cohorts to all Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils because each time they chant “Francesco” and each time they eat the false cloned flesh of Christ in the Eucharist, they perpetuate Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils…….and this time they have done a good job of protecting those over a thousand Pope friends as they slip in quietly to close their accounts and transfer them to Vatican Swiss Banks!!! Stupid robot flesh-eating Catholics are all cohorts of Pope Crimes and Vatican Evils happening right before today’s humanity’s Google eyes!
Remember when millions of stupid robotic Rosary praying Catholics chanted “JP2, we love you” to rock star John Paul II? Well, they were drowning out what John Paul II was actually doing with the cover-up of thousands of bestial pedophile priests, hence they are aptly called JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army - and his evil Achilles Heels, Fr. Marcial Maciel and Cardinal Bernard Law prove their existence. The major difference then was that John Paul II missed out in burning all their criminal files, especially in California where payout to victims was almost a billion dollars but where a secular woman judge was able to release them a year ago at about this time, during the Christmas season read our letter to her ==Judge Elias
Judge Elias, Please Release All Confidential Church Records of Names of Vicars, Bishops,
Unfortunately, as of this month, the criminal records and transactions of the Vatican Bank/IOR have all been deleted thanks to the record breaking first months and first year of the papacy of black & white Pope Francis. About a thousand of millionaires and billionaires’ accounts have been closed – giving them ample time to transfer secretly all their wealth to secret Vatican Swiss Banks in Switzerland and because Switzerland is a “neutral country” it is also sort of “above the law” just like its twin brother, the Vatican the small country, the safest haven of criminals yet impenetrable to criminal investigations.