| Three Reported over Fort Augustus Abbey Abuse Allegations
Inverness Courier
December 20, 2013
Three men reported over allegations of abuse at the abbey
Three men have been reported to the Crown office and the procurator fiscal in relation to the investigation into historical physical and sexual abuse at Fort Augustus Abbey.
Police Scotland say it is still an ongoing investigation, initiated by Highland and Islands Division in March, and has extended to liaison with a number of law enforcement agencies both across and out with the UK.
"We understand that it is very difficult for victims of abuse to speak about their experiences and a helpline run by Children 1st is available to provide support and advice to those who may be affected by the investigation," said a spokeswoman.
"These call takers, who are trained to provide advice and guidance, can refer callers or forward any relevant information to the police, or to the appropriate agency to provide further support locally."
Police are encouraging anyone who feels that they may have any information regarding this enquiry or any particular concerns to contact the police on 101 or via a dedicated email address:
Contact: fortaugustusabbeyenq@scotland.pnn.police.uk
Or Children 1st's helpline number on 0800 345 7457