| Rancis Updates:john Allen and Vatican Pied Pipers Toot Francis-Mania␦while Hans Kung Points out �the Pope and His 'Double'␝ Shadow Pope Ratzinger!
By Paris Arrow
The Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
December 18, 2013
Time’s Person of the Year Pope Francis. John C. Nienstedt suggests St. Josephine and Eucharist to solve clergy abuse. Baloney, David Quinn! (Again)
Pope Francis the miser of dark secrets vs. Edward Snowden the herald of truths
Francis lives in the Vatican Palace surrounded by PR media stunts army vs. Snowden living in asylum at the kindness of an atheist country Russia
The sharp contrast between Time’s Person of the Year, Pope Francis, and its runner-up, Edward Snowden, are morally apart: Pope Francis perpetuates Vatican secrecy and its cover-up of thousands of bestial pedophile priests in all Catholic churches worldwide…while Edward Snowden reveals the NSA’s Top Secret files about all Americans and all peoples and all nations worldwide. Pope Francis preserves the Vatican criminal pedophile files by rebuffing the United Nations and refusing to answer the questionnaire regarding the Holy See’s progress report for a UN Treaty on the right of the Child which it ratified in 1990. The last report filed by the Vatican was decades ago in 1994 during the early years papacy of John Paul II. Read our related article, Vatican rebuffs UN! http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/the-catholic-church-is-not-worlds-moral.html