Former Catholic Brother Back in NZ Court

The ABC News
December 17, 2013

A long running attempt to extradite a former Catholic brother to Newcastle on hundreds of child sexual abuse charges returns to a New Zealand court today.

Bernard Kevin McGrath is wanted in Australia to face more than 250 charges relating to allegations that he sexually abused 35 boys in the Lake Macquarie region of New South Wales in the 1970s and 80s.

A formal extradition request was made in 2012.

In June this year, the Christchurch District Court ordered that McGrath be surrendered to Australian authorities.

McGrath lodged an appeal and his defence lawyer, Philip Hall QC argued that the District Court judge should have referred such a significant extradition request to New Zealand's Immigration Minister.

New Zealand's High Court agreed and sent the matter back to the District Court.

That hearing, again before Christchurch District Court Judge Jane Farish, will be held today.


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