| Ex-hales Franciscan Teacher Files Whistle-blower Suit
By Lauren Zumbach
Chicago Tribune reporter
December 13, 2013
Hales Franciscan High School (Carolyn Van Houten/Chicago Tribune / November 8, 2013)
A former teacher at Hales Franciscan High School has sued the Bronzeville school and its principal, alleging she was fired for notifying authorities that a female student reported being sexually assaulted by two male students.
Rochelle Daniels, who taught English, claims in a lawsuit filed Thursday in Cook County Circuit Court that she was fired in violation of the Illinois Whistleblower Act.
"Of course I'd like to have my job back, but I would also like the administration to take responsibility and to hold the administration accountable for inaction in this situation," Daniels said in an interview Thursday.
Rick Hammond, an attorney for Hales Franciscan, said the school "denies any allegations of wrongful conduct and believes they had valid dealings with Ms. Daniels." He declined further comment.
According to the lawsuit, Daniels on Oct. 31 was told by a female student that she had been sexually assaulted by two male students.
One of the boys later told Daniels he "did wrongfully touch the female student," she claims in the lawsuit. Daniels said she reported the girl's sexual assault allegation to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services on Nov. 2.
Two days later, Daniels met with Hales Franciscan President Jeffrey Gray and Principal Erica Brownfield, who wanted to know what the female student told her, according to the lawsuit.
Brownfield said Daniels "had no right to either have any conversation with the student or to contact DCFS" and said that contacting DCFS would suggest Hales Franciscan had "inadequate school security," Daniels alleges in the complaint.
Daniels said she was fired Nov. 18 after Gray accused her of being the "ringleader" in a conspiracy to have Brownfield removed from Hales Franciscan, the lawsuit states.
A Nov. 18 letter from Gray to Daniels included in the complaint says she was being fired for reasons including inciting other employees to be insubordinate, unsatisfactory performance and ignoring directives from senior administrators. Daniels denies those accusations.
The Tribune reported in November that, according to sources, DCFS received at least two calls about the alleged incident the day Daniels said she called, and investigators interviewed staff and students. DCFS had no comment Thursday.
At the time, Gray acknowledged that he had not contacted DCFS, saying school officials chose to work with parents and students to resolve the allegations.
Chicago police said in November they had been informed of sexually explicit photographs being distributed and a more serious crime may have taken place, but they were awaiting more information.
News Affairs Officer Janel Sedevic said Thursday that no report has been filed since Chicago officers met with school officials last month.
Tribune reporter Christy Gutkowski contributed.
Contact: lzumbach@tribune.com