| Former Dean of Lancaster Cathedral Jailed for Year for Indecently Assaulting Trainee Priest
The Mirror
December 13, 2013
Jailed: Canon Stephen Shield
The former dean of Lancaster Cathedral, who abused his power and authority to indecently assault a trainee priest, has been jailed for 12 months.
Canon Stephen Shield, 53, took advantage of his victim, who was learning the priesthood at the time in the early 1990s.
Two assaults took place in Shield's presbytery in Preston, Lancashire, with one taking place under the table at a dinner party where other priests were among guests.
Giving evidence, the victim said he was convinced that others present knew that Shield had put his hands down his trousers but kept quiet.
Shield committed an indecent assault in a bedroom at the presbytery on another occasion.
He was convicted of the charges last month and was also found guilty of another assault on the same man in the mid-1980s at a Catholic retreat in Cumbria when both were religious students.
Shield, of Balmoral Road, Lancaster, later went on to become the Dean of Lancaster.
He continues to maintain his innocence over the two presbytery assaults, Preston Crown Court heard.
A petition of support containing 240 signatures from former parishioners in Lancaster was also handed in which stated Shield was "an excellent priest" who has served them well.
While his counsel argued for a community service order so he could better fulfil the requirements of a sex offender programme, the Recorder of Preston, Judge Anthony Russell QC, said an immediate custodial sentence was needed despite his otherwise good character.
The judge told him: "It is clear that from his evidence that (the victim) felt unable to resist you because of your position as a priest and your authority over him.
"I am in no doubt that his experiences of those indecent assaults had had a profound effect upon him.
"It was an abuse of power and authority over someone who was vulnerable and unable to resist you, possibly because of the hierarchal situation in the Catholic church.
"I consider you targeted him."
The court heard that Shield hugged and then attempted to kiss his victim in a bar at the seminary in Cumbria before asking him to show his penis.
The victim went on to take some time out from training in the priesthood, only resuming his vocation in his mid-20s when he was placed by chance in Shield's parish, who had been since been ordained.
He felt unable to usurp the authority of Shield by speaking about the previous assault and the defendant took further advantage of the situation, the court was told.
Speaking of the dinner party, Judge Russell said: "For a considerable period of time during the meal at the dinner table you were molesting (the victim), with your hand down this trousers.
"There were others present and this must have been a humiliating and embarrassing episode."
Earlier, Mark Ainsworth, prosecuting, said: "The events that took place in the 1980s and '90s to (the victim) at the hands of Stephen Shield have had a dramatic and devastating impact on his life, both physically and spiritually."
Paul Humphries, defending, said the petition of support had been organised without the knowledge of the defendant.
He said: "It is clear these offences were over 20 years ago. He has been involved in a life of service since then, serving parishioners and the church, and has clearly had a positive impact on many people who are prepared to voice their support for him."
Arguing for a community service order, he said the Probation Service's suggestion that he would need a lengthy period of time on the sex offenders programme could mean he would not fulfil its terms if given a prison sentence.
The judge said the petition and numerous character references spoke highly of Shield as a priest.
"Many of the character witnesses say they cannot believe you committed these offences," he said, "but I cannot go behind the jury's verdicts."
Shield was also placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years.
The Bishop of Lancaster, Rt Rev Michael Campbell said: "Please God with the passing of time, together with a purified and strengthened resolve by all to healing, reconciliation will be restored to those affected by this tragic episode in our local church of Lancaster.
"Those directly involved in this case should know of my heartfelt prayers for each of them and those affected by this heartbreaking affair."