I. Introduction
The Center for Constitutional Rights and Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests submit this supplemental information for the Committee’s consideration in advance of its review of the Holy See during its 65th Session. This information supplements that contained in an alternative report submitted to the committee on 28 February 2013, entitled “Fighting for the Future: Adult Survivors Work to Protect Children & End the Culture of Clergy Sexual Abuse” (hereinafter “Alternative Report”).1
This submission addresses the Holy See’s response of 25 November 2013 to the Committee’s List of Issues (CRC/C/VAT/Q/2) (“LOI”) and further provides additional information on developments since 1 March 2013, particularly in relation to Question 11 of the LOI.
II. The Vatican’s Response to the List of Issues
We note that the Holy See’s response goes to great length to confine its obligations and liabilities under the Convention to the territory of Vatican City State, where it acknowledges citizenship
and/or residence of 31 children. The Holy See seeks to redirect responsibility for widespread and systemic violations of the Convention and OPSC occurring in other sovereign territories that were committed, abetted, facilitated or covered up by Catholic officials acting under its authority to other States.
In doing so the Holy See overlooks a critical feature of international law and the extraterritorial obligations of States to respect, protect and fulfill human rights. This Committee has recognized that “the Convention does not limit a State’s jurisdiction to ‘territory’” and further that “[i]n accordance with international law, the Committee has previously urged states to protect the rights of children who may be beyond their territorial borders.”2
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