Cardinal Brady Says He Is 'Truly Sorry' to Survivors

The Journal
December 10, 2013


CARDINAL SEÁN BRADY has said he is “truly sorry” to abuse survivors following the publication of the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church’s review of practices in the Archdiocese of Armagh.

“The Review finds that this diocese is fully committed to safeguarding children and young people. Nevertheless, my first thoughts today are with those who were abused,” he said in a statement. ”

“I know that for you, survivors of abuse and your families, days such as today are especially difficult. You have suffered terribly and I am truly sorry. I pray for you and will work to ensure that you are supported on your journey towards healing and peace.”

He claimed that ‘vigilance’ continues to be the watchword in all Church activities.

Recognising that past practices failed children, he said:

While we acknowledge the report’s findings that in the past the response was not as prompt, robust and coordinated as in the present, we will continue to do all we can to ensure that current high standards of safeguarding practice are maintained. As I have already stated, we must remain attentive and vigilant. Our children, and especially those who have suffered, deserve no less.

The review examined 36 allegations against 16 priests that were made between 1975 and 2013. The last alleged incidence of abuse was in 2000.

All 36 have been reported to the relevant authorities but just one conviction was secured.

Reviewers acknowledged that positive steps have been taken to encourage complainants to come forward. Since 1996, there is also a “more focused and committed approach to the safeguarding of children”.

Six recommendations were made following the review in August this year.


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