| Arrogant Churchmen Should Have Taken Time out for a Cup of Tea with Victims of Abuse
By Joanne McCarthy
The Sydney Morning Herald
December 2, 2013
Father Denis McAlinden.
In late 2008 a Newcastle woman wrote to a senior Australian Catholic clergyman and sought a meeting. She wanted a personal apology from him. In 1995 the clergyman, who can't be named for legal reasons, had a role in the attempted defrocking of notorious paedophile priest Denis McAlinden. The woman, who attended the NSW Special Commission of Inquiry in Newcastle this year, was eight when McAlinden first sexually abused her during confession.
The senior clergyman replied on November 20, 2008. His heart was ''full of compassion'' for her and she was ''constantly'' in his prayers, he wrote. Learning her story was ''one of the saddest experiences of my life''. He had offered a Mass for her where he ''asked the Lord to give you a deep sense of peace and healing''. But there would be no meeting or apology.
In a separate letter to the Maitland-Newcastle diocese the senior clergyman made that abundantly clear. He had not been impressed by the ''totally inappropriate … hostile and obscene language'' she had used in some emails to him. ''Her anger does not excuse or justify the use of such language in formal communications,'' he wrote. ''Her issues should be directed to Maitland-Newcastle diocese and not to me. I do not propose to meet with her.''
History shows he should have. The woman kept complaining to the Maitland-Newcastle diocese. She wanted her apology from the clergyman. An increasingly frustrated diocese tried a compromise. It couldn't get her an apology, but at least could give her some documents from McAlinden's expansive file.
A few months later the woman gave them to this journalist over a cup of tea. A few months after that, in April 2010, they were handed to police.
The woman enjoys an occasional ''if only'' chat about what happened next. If only the senior clergyman had met with her the documents would have stayed hidden, with their devastating comment from a bishop to McAlinden as the church tried to push the paedophile priest out the door: ''Your good name will be protected by the confidential nature of this process.''
If only the clergyman had met with her, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox would not have made his explosive allegations about police handling of the McAlinden documents, and the church's response to police investigations.
Premier Barry O'Farrell would not have established the special commission of inquiry on November 9 last year and then prime minister Julia Gillard would not have established a royal commission three days later.
''If only he'd met with me,'' the woman says, invariably smiling.
''A cup of tea and a chat. Is that too much to ask?''
The path to the royal commission is littered with examples such as these - powerful churchmen, and not just Catholic, talking about compassion, prayers, peace and healing, but acting dismissively, arrogantly, condescendingly or worse. Often much worse.
There is another significant feature. Powerful churchmen, by the nature of their work, have generally associated with other powerful people. An adult victim of a paedophile priest making allegations about events from 20 or 30 years earlier faced not only the powerful church but knowledge of those powerful connections. For many that knowledge was an impenetrable barrier. It ensured the silence. Which is why Prime Minister Tony Abbott's comments about Cardinal George Pell unsettled and angered many people after the devastating Victorian parliamentary inquiry into child abuse report was released.
The report said Pell's evidence revealed ''a reluctance to acknowledge and accept responsibility for the Catholic Church's institutional failure to respond appropriately to allegations of criminal child abuse''. Abbott conceded Pell was not perfect, but he was ''a fine human being and a great churchman''. Abbott had not read the report.
Abbott also did not know ''for a personal fact'' about cover-ups. He understood ''these things probably did happen''.
In 2013, with the first three public hearings of the royal commission already revealing staggering failings within the Anglican Church, the YMCA and Hunter Aboriginal Children's Services, Abbott's comments are offensive to victims of child sexual abuse and their families.
His comments about Pell are unequivocal. The ''personal'' and ''probably'' in negative comments about the church suggest doubt, or at least a lack of information.
So I have a suggestion, and an invitation.
Some child sex victims of the Catholic Church would like to share a cuppa with the Prime Minister, to fill in the blanks that allow ''personal'' and ''probably''. That way, in future, when the royal commission inevitably holds a public hearing or two about the Catholic Church, Abbott will be able to provide fair, accurate, balanced and informed comment.
I'll bring the Shredded Wheatmeals.