| Savile Inquiry LED to Rise in Reports of Historic Sexual Offences in Northamptonshire
By Callum Jones
The Northampton Chronicle and Echo
December 2, 2013
DCI Steve Lingley, Head of Public Protection for Northamptonshire Police
Recent high-profile child abuse investigations into people such as Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall has led to a rise in the reporting of historic sexual offences in Northamptonshire, a detective chief inspector has said.
Northamptonshire Police has organised a week of action to encourage victims of violence and sexual assault to come forward and report offences and get the specialist support they need.
Speaking to the Chronicle & Echo, DCI Steve Lingley, who works in the Protecting Vulnerable Persons department, said there had been a five per cent rise in the number of historic sex abuse cases reported in Northamptonshire.
He said: “There have been a lot more cases reported of historic sexual abuse claims since the publicity around Jimmy Savile.
“Every police force in the country has noticed an increase in reporting of the victim’s know their claims will be dealt with thoroughly.”
During this week, the mobile police station has visited various locations across the county to encourage people to drop in for help and support or to report a crime.
Representatives from partner agencies Serenity, the Sexual Assault Referral Centre, have also been on hand to offer dedicated advice and assistance, along with Women’s Aid and the Northamptonshire Rape and Incest Crisis Centre.
DCI Lingley said the number of domestic abuse cases had risen in the past year but he believed this was due to increased reporting of offences.
He said: “The psychology of domestic abuse victims is often very complex and we need to raise awareness of the welfare, counselling and support that can be offered to victim’s who are prepared to come forward.
“Violence, rape and sexual assault have a massive impact on the victim and it is vital that they know where to find help and support.
“I’d also like to reassure them that we will thoroughly investigate each and every offence and put all our efforts into ensuring justice is done.
“Unfortunately this type of crime affects children too. Protecting and safeguarding children is vital and I urge anybody with concerns to come forward.”
The mobile police station will be at the Clock Tower in Kettering today and in Tesco car park in Daventry from 10am to 3pm tomorrow.
Contact: callum.jones@northantsnews.co.uk