| More Graphic Testimomy from Iqaluit
By Sylvia
The Sylvia's Site
November 23, 2013
It’s taken a while for me to square this away, but finally, here is a report on the testimony from the sex abuse trial of Oblate priest, previously convicted molester Father Eric Dejaeger.
One male victim took the stand yesterday (Friday, 22 November 2013), He testified that he had been sexually abused when he was boy by Father Eric Dejaeger. The victim testified in Inuktitut – there is a translator in the courtroom and the testimony was translated into English.
The following is a small overview the man’s testimony of what happened to him when he was a boy. (A warning to all that some of this is very graphic) ;
(1) The victim was fondled on a number of occasion by Dejager. The fondling transpired in, amongst other places, the kitchen and also during confession (Confessions were heard every Saturday at 6 pm);
(2) In the presence of the dog, Dejaeger would masturbate the boy to ejaculation. – then Dejager would let the dog lick the sperm from the floor, and then get the dog to lick the boy’s penis;
(3) On at least five occasions he was forced to watch Father Dejager bugger the dog;
(4) On one occasion while in the furnace room he was forced to sexually touch the dog while Dejager watched. I’m a little confused on this, but I think that Dejager was also fondling the boy simultaneous to the activity with the dog. No matter, the testimony was definitively that the boy was instructed to do what he did to the dog while Dejager watched.;
(5) He once tried to escape from the furnace room. Dejaeger slammed the door shut on his hand. His hand was cut and bleeding. He still has the scar. He lied to his father about the wound and said he cut his hand while playing outside. (Dejager had told him not to tell anyone about the sex. I don’t know if the boy was threatened as well, but he was told not to tell);
(6) The first person he told about what happened to him – aside from his wife - was Steven Cooper. the lawyer who initiated a lawsuit on his behalf. That lawsuit was settled in 2006. I don’t know the figure for the settlement;
(7) As did other witnesses this week, the victim broke down on the stand, and again the howls of anguish filled the small courtroom. All those in the packed room were visibly distressed and impacted by the testimony – except Father Eric Dejaeger. Dejaeger was busily working at getting information to his lawyer, Malcolm Kempt.
Unfortunately I have been unable to find any media coverage at all of Thursday or Friday’s testimony online. Nothing. Have I missed something somewhere? If anyone can find any coverage of testimony from either 21 or 22 November (Thursday and Friday) please send the link.
I will post my thoughts later. I will also wrap up the account of the Father Dan Miller sentencing hearing on 17 September. It’s taken me an eternity to get that done. I apologize to those who have been waiting. Sometimes I just have to set things aside – no rhyme nor reason, but I just have to set things aside and collect my thoughts. I think I’m good to get back at it 
And, speaking of Father Miller, a reminder to mark your calendars. Father Miller has two upcoming court-dates at the Pembroke, Ontario courthouse (297 Pembroke Street East)
(1) His first court appearance on the new sex abuse charges is Tuesday 26 November 2013. I just realized I don’t have the start time – probably 09:30 am, but I will check on Monday;
(2) Sentencing (for conviction), Thursday, 09:30 am, 28 November 2013
And an explanation as to why I refer to these priests as “Father.” For me personally this is a constant reminder to all, especially our bishops, that these predators are still priests in the Roman Catholic Church who, despite their sexual perversions and criminal activity, and despite the disgrace they bring to the priesthood and scandal to the Church, have not been defrocked.
Enough for now,