| Private Middle School Instructor Charged with Raping and Molesting Girl, 13
By Valerie Schremp Hahn
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch
November 22, 2013
Seri Grant in a police mugshot.
ST. LOUIS • A part-time instructor for a Catholic middle school for girls from low-income backgrounds has been charged with raping and molesting one of the students.
Seri O. Grant, 54, of the 6900 block of Willow Wood Drive in Northwoods, was charged Friday in St. Louis Circuit Court with first-degree statutory rape and first-degree child molestation. According to court documents, the victim, a 13-year-old girl, was a student at Marian Middle School at 4130 Wyoming Street during the 2012-13 school year. During that time, Grant worked part-time as an instructor.
The victim told authorities that Grant touched her breasts over her clothing and raped her on a separate occasion. The incidents happened after regular school hours in the school library, court documents said, sometime between August 2012 and January 2013.
The school is based on the Nativity Miguel model, which focuses on providing an academically challenging, highly disciplined and nurturing environment. Authorities for the school could not be immediately reached for comment Friday night.
Grant is currently on probation for a 2009 criminal non-support charge. His cash-only bail was set at $100,000.
Contact: vhahn@post-dispatch.com