| Sex Abuse Families Hear the Words So Badly Wanted
By Jane Lee
The Age
November 14, 2013
Georgie Crozier, MP, with Anthony and Chrissie Foster
Chrissie and Anthony Foster showed the inquiry's committee photographs of their daughter Emma's arms, bloodied by a suicide attempt after she was repeatedly abused by a Catholic priest.
In a matter of hours, they calmly detailed the pain that had helped define their family's lives. Their daughters, Emma and Katie, had been repeatedly raped by Father Kevin O'Donnell. Emma later committed suicide and Katie was left in a wheelchair after an accident.
But when the committee tabled its report, with recommendations to prevent similar crimes against children, there were no words left for the couple.
They went to embrace the MPs Georgie Crozier and David O'Brien as they entered a room filled with victims and victims' advocates. Mrs Foster said the committee had been compassionate to victims, believed their stories and acted.
She cried as committee members spoke out against the Catholic Church and all the organisations that had been complicit in child abuse.
''We've been chasing this form of justice for 17½ years now, and today we have seen some action,'' she said. ''Hearing them speak the words that I would say, the words I wanted to hear, was astounding and very emotional.''
Victoria now had the opportunity to lead Australia in protecting children: ''All these years I've always trusted that society would be on the side of victims when they heard what the Catholic Church was doing to children, and later the survivors.''
For Leonie Sheedy, executive director of Care Leavers Australia Network, the day was bitter-sweet because child abuse victims from 17 state-run orphanages were excluded from the inquiry's terms of reference.
''I'm feeling for all of the people who died and never had their stories validated,'' she said.
While the inquiry had put victims' stories on the public record, ''money and apologies don't bring healing'', she said.
Peter Blenkiron walked into the chamber feeling as fearful as he was, aged 11, when he was sexually abused by a Christian Brother, Edward Dowlan.
He helped co-ordinate a submission to the inquiry on behalf of Ballarat victims, which argued for a way to assist those who were suicidal and unable to work or get workers' compensation.
''Part of me was scared and sad to have to be there, and another part wanted to rejoice that something has happened,'' he said.