| Writer Locked in Legal Battle with John Furlong Demands Apology
By Lori Culbert
Vancouver Sun
November 13, 2013
Freelance journalist Laura Robinson wrote an article alleging that former Vanoc CEO John Furlong harmed aboriginal students when he taught at a Catholic school in Burns Lake.
VANCOUVER -- Two weeks after former 2010 Olympics CEO John Furlong accused Laura Robinson of harassment and shoddy journalism, the writer’s lawyer is demanding an apology and accusing Furlong of defaming his client in media interviews.
“Mr. Furlong’s false statements and the latest media assault he unleashed are very damaging to Ms Robinson,” says a letter her lawyer Bryan Baynham sent Wednesday to Furlong’s counsel, John Hunter.
“Please accept this letter as a demand for a full and complete retraction and an apology.”
She and Furlong are locked in a series of lawsuits over a story Robinson penned for the Georgia Straight a year ago alleging Furlong mistreated native students while a teacher at Northern B.C. residential schools more than 40 years ago.
In a series of media interviews two weeks ago, Furlong denied any wrongdoing, accused Robinson of spreading false accusations, and said the firestorm had affected his livelihood and personal life.
Robinson’s legal letter, however, claims Furlong’s comments included inaccurate statements about her work as a journalist and about her role in the story.
Furlong replied in a statement to The Vancouver Sun: “No apology is merited nor will be made … I will be continuing to pursue the case in court ….”
When Furlong gave the media interviews in late October, Robinson was in Denmark at a sports conference delivering a speech that was critical of Furlong. She returned from Europe Wednesday.
“This is a continued attack on my reputation,” she said in an interview. “It is my responsibility to tell the story as truthfully as I can, and that is what I am doing as a journalist.”
Her lawyer’s letter noted Furlong’s counterattack has affected her ability to work as a freelance journalist and lecturer, and that she has the right to sue for defamation over his comments in the media.
Contact: lculbert@vancouversun.com