| Archbishop Apologises for Catholic Church's Handling of Sexual Abuse
ABC News
November 13, 2013
[with video]
EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: The Archbishop of Melbourne, Denis Hart, joined me just a short time ago.
Archbishop Hart, thanks very much for being there for us.
EMMA ALBERICI: Now Premier Napthine today said the Catholic Church should hang its head in shame. Do you now accept that the level of abuse in your church is out of proportion with any other religious organisation in this country?
DENIS HART: I think today has been highly significant. We welcome the report and we are committed to facing the terrible truth that victims have suffered beyond all proportion and it is very high in the Catholic Church and that I find shameful and shocking.
EMMA ALBERICI: You said today that your church leaders had made terrible mistakes. Given the strong language in today's report regarding Cardinal Pell's role, what will you be recommending to the Vatican as far as a response goes?
DENIS HART: I believe that our response has to be considered in the light of the whole picture. Cardinal Pell introduced the Melbourne response, which was the first attempt to do something about sexual abuse and to care for victims. I took that over when I was Archbishop and I believe that it really made significant steps forward in addressing this awful blight. Now we come to a new stage and we do have to remember that Cardinal Pell has been part of that progress to this point of time. There's now a new stage when we, the Church, and the community can really move forward together and to be sure that the awful suffering is being addressed, that care is being provided for victims, ease of redress and appropriate reporting mechanisms so that we will not have abuse again in Victoria.
EMMA ALBERICI: The Victorian Premier says he'll act immediately to make it a criminal offence for anyone to conceal abuse and he'll take control away from the Catholic Church to administer justice to victims. Isn't this the state effectively saying that the Church can't be trusted to look after people's best interests?
DENIS HART: I believe the state, because it represents all of the community, and the Church is part of that, is best equipped to administer justice, to get the various groups in the state cooperating so that appropriate redress is provided to victims.
EMMA ALBERICI: You'd be familiar with the biblical reference Mark 9:42 - and I'll quote it for the public benefit: "If anyone causes one of these little ones, those who believe in me, to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea." Have senior clergy forgotten that advice?
DENIS HART: I think in the past there were awful failures. People who did nothing or who covered up and I believe that there was a real transformation from 1996. Anything against victims is totally reprehensible and I do apologise wholeheartedly to the victims and I do state very clearly my commitment with the people of Victoria to move forward.
EMMA ALBERICI: And do you believe that you yourself at times acted in a way that was inconsistent with the teachings of the Church?
DENIS HART: I've always tried to act in accordance with the teachings of the Church and I believe that my record as Archbishop stands by that.
EMMA ALBERICI: Even when you told a woman who'd been sexually abused by a priest, when you told that woman back in 2004 to - and I'm quoting the court record here - "Go to hell, bitch"?
DENIS HART: That was an unfortunate comment, one which I've regretted long since. I think it was in a moment of frustration when my house had been intruded and I've regretted it ever since and I do apologise.
EMMA ALBERICI: Now the move to clarify the legal position of the Church will mean that you'll be held legally responsible for the actions of your priests. Victims have long argued for this kind of accountability. Do you understand the need for this change so families have an obvious structure that they can go to for legal redress?
DENIS HART: I've been very, very moved by the terrible stories of suffering and I think that with the community we've got to move forward so that they feel that they can have appropriate redress and we will contribute to the scheme that the state is proposing just as we endorse the recommendations, and we're grateful for the recommendations because this represents a new stage and a new moment of moving forward.
EMMA ALBERICI: Against the background of this report and its damning findings, does the Church need to re-examine the sanctity of the confessional?
DENIS HART: I believe that the confessional is absolutely sacrosanct. It's part of one of our basic teachings and therefore to touch that would interfere with freedom of religion. However, it must be remembered that there are - if a person who'd offended were to come to a priest, that priest can insist on going to the police or some other activity, talking to someone else so that the matter is removed outside the confessional and so that appropriate facing of the consequences of the actions of the perpetrator is undergone.
EMMA ALBERICI: Archbishop, we have to leave it there. Thank you very much.
DENIS HART: Thank you very much, Emma.