| Officials in Public Offices Should Be Held to Higher Standards: News Comment of the Day
November 10, 2013
The Rev. James McGonegal, left, speaks with his attorney Henry Hilow before his arraignment in Cleveland Municipal Court. McGonegal, a priest at St. Ignatius of Antioch Church, was arrested at Edgewater Park on charges for soliciting sex.
In response to a story examining the media coverage surrounding the arrest of a local priest for solicitation, cleveland.com users speak out about the need for priests and public officials to be held to a different standard.
Mark Crawford posts:
It would be absolutely irresponsible for the media if they DID NOT cover this story. As a priest this man has unfettered access to children and vulnerable adults. Would you care to know if this man was working in youth ministry with your child. Are you willing to take the chance he becomes sexual with anyone else and NOT inform them of his HIV status. This is NOT picking on the church, you can bet other priests knew or suspected he was sexually active, these things don't remain secret from other clergy for very long.
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