| Ricardo Aldana Pervert Catholic School Teacher Charged with Molesting Teen Still Not Tried Nearly Three Years after Arrest
By Gustavo Arellano
The Orange County Weekly
November 5, 2013
It has been almost three years since I broke the news that Ricardo Aldana, a Spanish teacher and volleyball coach at JSerra High School in San Juan Capistrano, was arrested on charges of molesting a student at the school. He faces seven felony counts of lewd acts upon a child, and sources tell the Weekly it seems a slam-dunk case for the prosecution.
But yesterday came word that Aldana's trial has been postponed yet again at the request of super-attorney Michael Molfetta (who also represents accused serial killer Itzcoatl Ocampo--Mikey really knows how to pick'em!), meaning any proposed trial won't happen until January 2014 at the earliest? Reason? The delayyyyyyyyyyyy game.
It's a classic tactic of defense lawyers in the Catholic Church sex-abuse scandal: keep postponing a trial until the victim becomes an adult, until the teenager becomes a young adult and an easily swayed jury can be persuaded the molestation was consensual because look at them! They're young adults of age!
We'll be at the trial whenever it happens. . . . In the meanwhile, heckuva job, Brownie!
Contact: garellano@ocweekly.com