| Church's Spending Habits a Bit Rich
The Brisbane Times
November 3, 2013
"We haven't given the money away. It's an investment": Cardinal George Pell.
"Politics should be about how you change other people's lives for the better, not your own": Liberal MP Wyatt Roy.
Illustration: Reg Lynch.
It's about the Pope's move last week to dismiss German Bishop Franz-Peter Terbatz-van Telst of Limburg, after finding out he'd spent no less than 31 million euros on his private residence. An admirable move, one might think, given that this Pope's motif seems to be simplicity and humility?
I agree. But what about our own Cardinal George Pell? How is he going when it comes to simple living?
In 2011, Cardinal Pell was instrumental in the Australian Catholic Church using money, mostly from the Sydney archdiocese, to spend $30 million - though one estimate goes as high as $85 million - to buy Domus Australia, an old Marist Fathers home in Rome's Via Cernaia that has been converted into a guest house, with a 150-seat auditorium, and includes a private apartment for Cardinal Pell.
"It's the cost of a high school, perhaps a high school and a church," the Cardinal conceded to Good Weekend, before noting: "We haven't given the money away. It's an investment."
And yet, the vice-president of the Rationalists Association of NSW, Max Wallace, raises a fair question: "How is it that the maximum payout of victims of sexual abuse can hope to achieve through Cardinal Pell's Towards Healing process is $75,000 yet the church can find as much as $30 million to acquire a property in Rome? This surely tells victims that the church really doesn't care about them, and the church's mea culpas in the light of all the revelations about abuse are hollow and insincere."
Exactly. And another matter I don't get. One of the few things I remember from attending Peats Ridge Sunday School in the 1960s was the biblical aphorism that "it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to get into heaven". So why do these representatives of Christ on Earth insist on living like rich men?
Palmer serve
Bravo to the youngest MP in Parliament, Wyatt Roy. The 23-year-old spoke truth to power, giving one of the new MPs, the 59-year-old billionaire Clive Palmer, the rounds of the kitchen. "Mr Palmer," he told Fairfax journalist Jonathan Swan, "has to make a decision about whether that's what he wants to do or he wants to pursue his … almost clown-like approach to politics." Oh, he was just warming up, going on to advise Mr Palmer, that "politics should be about how you change other people's lives for the better, not your own''. His broad theme, and it is a fair one, is that when you are representing an electorate, particularly as a backbencher, your key job is to actually help your constituents. Does anyone actually think that was why Clive Palmer entered politics? It will be fascinating to see how long he lasts once the roar and excitement of the election has fully faded and he has to deal with the job at hand.
Choice remark
Meanwhile? Meanwhile co-presenting the Choice Shonky Awards at Simmer on the Bay down by The Rocks on Monday evening, Julian Morrow began by saying: "I, too, would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the Sydney foreshore - the Obeid family - and I pay my respect to their elders, cos let's face it the non-elders don't deserve much at all. And when I say pay my respects, I really mean pay."
Brought the house down!
It will of course be for the judicial authorities to decide the legal implications of what Eddie Obeid did or did not do, but I hope I may be allowed to express some wonderment at just how BUSY this bloke has been?
As well as being a member of parliament, he was also an ALP factional powerbroker - making and breaking a succession of premiers, granting audiences to cabinet ministers and political suitors of all stripes - while also running the family business, and his many sons, AND seemingly every dodgy deal going for the last 20 years! Seriously, are we sure there is not three of him?
Joke of the week
Sean O'Toole shuffled slowly into Gino's ice-cream shop and pulled himself slowly, painfully, up onto a stool at the bar, and after catching his breath ordered a banana-split from Roisin O'Callahan. The waitress asked kindly: "Crushed nuts den?" To which our hero responded "Nuh, bloody art'ritis."
One last word
Thank you, thank you all! TFF's biography of Ned Kelly was released on Friday, and you can read an excerpt of it on page 29.