Statement Regarding Father David Barrett
By Jim Accurso
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford
November 3, 2013
The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis announced today that after careful discernment and much prayer in conjunction with the Archdiocese, Father David Barrett has chosen to take a voluntary leave of absence. His decision is as a result of prior misconduct which occurred many years ago and did not involve members of any parish in which Fr. Barrett has served. This misconduct did not involve a violation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.
Father Barrett has been serving as an assistant priest at the Church of Saint Wenceslaus of New Prague since 2009. He has been under supervision by pastoral leadership and others at the Archdiocese and has undergone counseling during his current and prior assignments.
While on his leave of absence, Fr. Barrett will not be performing any public ministry and will cooperate with the Ministerial Standards Board of the Archdiocese which will make recommendations as a result of a review of Fr. Barrett's actions.
The Archdiocese is grateful for Fr. Barrett’s decision and asks for prayers for all affected by his decision.