| Oratory of Saint Joseph Pedophile Priests! Montreal: Second Class-Action Suit Targets Congr�gation De Ste-Croix! Saints and Holy Cross Cannot Protect Children!
By Paris Arrow
The Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
November 1, 2013
Outhouses near the band office of the Wasagamack First Nation in Manitoba. The outhouses are used year-round, even in the winter. More than 60 per cent of residents in the Cree community 600 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg lack indoor plumbing.
Saint Brother Andre
Oratory of Saint Joseph “Bling” $70 million Tower renovation in Montreal …while aboriginal people have no running drinking water in Quebec and Canada
Who is worse? The German “Bling” Bishop who renovated his palace with 42 million dollars using part of the 5.2 billion Euros taken from wealthy German Catholics’ 10% of their salaries? read here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/10/germany-bling-bishops-42-million-euros.html
Or Saint Joseph Oratory using taxpayers’ money to renovate the tower of the Oratory of St. Joseph in time for the 350th celebration of the “founding” of the city of Montreal in the year 2017…while the aboriginal people in Quebec and Canada have no running water? And these native people have been in Montreal hundreds if not thousands of years -- way before the 350th “founding” of Montreal by religious missionary priests!
We do not need to review the history of the theft – all in the name of God -- by religious missionaries like in the days of the Spanish Conquistadors in South America when they plundered all the gold from mountains in Peru and sent them all to the Vatican and Spain.
The loot -- or religious theft -- today by religious people like the Congregation de Sainte- Croix that owns and runs the multi-million dollars tourist pit stop of the Oratory of Saint Joseph is happening right in our own backyard in North America! It is a form of theft because these $70 million dollars should go for the use of thousands of aboriginal people instead of a handful of aristocrat priests of the wealthy religious family of Saint Brother Andre. When the CSC paid the $19 million to their hundreds of victims of CSC pedophile priests last May, they paid cash!!
To think that we are in the 21st century -- with already the separation of Church and state… but the secular governments – that of Canada - is still kowtowing to the powers of Catholic priests and allotting taxpayers’ money to their religious caprice is mindboggling!
There is no need for a tower lookout at the Oratory (where people have to pay to enter) when there is already the top of Park Mount Royal that is free for the public year round even during winter.
That red line leading to the top of the roof is being renovated to accomodate an elevator and stairs. The number of visitors will be vey limited to a few because it is very narrow. [Saint-Joseph]
There are now only a handful of active but over 70 years old Caucasian Quebecers or
French Canadian priests of the Congregation de Sainte-Croix (CSC or Congregation of the Holy Cross), the religious family of “Saint” Brother Andre, left administering the Oratory. Younger CSC priests have been imported from Haiti and India to say the daily masses at the Oratory. Other than the CSC priests, the Oratory has about 50 employees, administrators, office clerks, communication directors, the museum, the stores, gardeners, and their well-paid payroll is several millions of dollars each year (so insiders sources say!)
For the first time in the history of the Oratory, a black Haitian priest, Claudel Petit-Homme has been appointed Superior of the CSC members at Oratory. Because there are more people on weekends, the Oratory also hires local priests who are non-CSC members. André Samson was one of them. He’s a Quebecer, or French Canadian priest. He has been working for more than a year since the summer of 2012 at the Oratory - until he was suddenly fired. Samson shared his story in Montreal’s newspaper Le Soleil and on French television shows. Here’s an excerpt and Google translation from the full French news below.
You judge for yourself who to believe!
New CSC superior Claudel Petit-Homme
versus a non-CSC priest Andre Samson
In June, a young man of 18 years tells him (Andre Samson) in the secret of the confessional, that he has been sexually abused by his parish priest.
"I wanted to share the sadness and anger inside me, and to raise to my brother priests the terrible consequences that this type of abuse can result in its victims," says Samson.
Hearing these words , the superior of the community of Holy Cross Fathers , Father Claudel Petit-Homme , then told him to shut up and that he must not address such issues at the table (in the rectory).
André Samson could not understand this reaction, because the Holy Cross community had, some months earlier, agreed an out of court settlement of nearly $ 20 million for the sexual assault of victims of the (CSC) congregation. "The subject was widely discussed in the media especially during the slow settlement process," he noted.
A few hours later, the superior of the community of Holy Cross Fathers, Father Claudel Petit-Homme announced that from now on André Samson is no longer allowed to eat the table in the community. He has no other choice but to eat with the pilgrims . (at the public cafeteria )
Affirming that it was difficult to live with this ostracism , André Samson still continued his work at the Oratory, a religious institution to which he was very attached.
On Sunday, the vice-rector of the Oratory, Pierre Dufour, announced that he is fired. "They told me I did not corresponded to the image of the Saint Joseph's Oratory ," says Abbot Samson .
Haitian CSC priest, Mister Claudel Petit-Homme
Claudel Petit-Homme is the most arrogant and most conceited priest on the planet. He yells at pilgrims with his short fuse temper and yells at women especially when he disagrees with them. Really, if all women would stop believing in those magical powers of priests, their priestly magical robes and charm would collapse like a deck of cards and so will the Vatican Deceits Media Empire and all its Vatican Pied Pipers like John Allen would lose their audience, see links below.
Claudel Petit-Homme is a weird tall thin physique small head Haitian priest: One minute he’s sort of smiling and the next he is yelling like a dictator. He is the most un-Christ-like priest on the planet! Not surprise because he is also the puppet on a string of Opus Dei as he regularly meets with Fr. Dolan, the Opus Dei Prelate in Montreal.