| Pope Taps Ohio Bishop to Lead Hartford Archdiocese
The Houston Chronicle
October 29, 2013
In this Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2003, file photo, Bishop Leonard Blair grins as he answers a question at a news conference held at Catholic Center in Toledo, Ohio. Pope Francis has appointed Blair to lead the Hartford Archdiocese, according to reports, Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013. Blair succeeds Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, who has served since 2003 and has passed the age of retirement. Blair will be installed as archbishop on Dec. 16.
In this Thursday, Dec. 4, 2003, file photo, Bishop Leonard Paul Blair, the new Catholic bishop for the Diocese of Toledo, performs the Eucharist during his official installation, in the Rosary Cathedral in Toledo, Ohio. Pope Francis has appointed Blair to lead the Hartford Archdiocese, according to reports, Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013. Blair succeeds Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, who has served since 2003 and has passed the age of retirement. Blair will be installed as archbishop on Dec. 16. TOLEDO BLADE OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT
In this Friday, Feb. 13, 2004, file photo, Toledo Bishop Leonard Blair speaks at a news conference held at the Toledo Roman Catholic Diocese. Pope Francis has appointed Blair to lead the Hartford Archdiocese, according to reports, Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013. Blair succeeds Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, who has served since 2003 and has passed the age of retirement. Blair will be installed as archbishop on Dec. 16.
In this Thursday, Dec. 4, 2003, file photo, Bishop Leonard Paul Blair, left, the new Catholic bishop for the Diocese of Toledo, is greeted by community leaders during his official installation, in the Rosary Cathedral in Toledo, Ohio. Pope Francis has appointed Blair to lead the Hartford Archdiocese, according to reports, Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013. Blair succeeds Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, who has served since 2003 and has passed the age of retirement. Blair will be installed as archbishop on Dec. 16. TOLEDO BLADE OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Hartford's new archbishop says he has no specific directive from Pope Francis on how to lead the 700,000 Roman Catholics in the archdiocese, but plans to stay faithful to the mission of the church and continue its charitable works in the region.
The Vatican announced Tuesday that Toledo, Ohio, Bishop Leonard Paul Blair had been named by the pope to succeed Hartford Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, who is retiring. Blair will be installed as the new archbishop Dec. 16.
Blair also defended the Toledo diocese's handling of clergy sexual abuse cases during a news conference Tuesday, saying he and his predecessor had to remove priests from public ministry.
Blair is one of three bishops the Vatican appointed last year to oversee a reform of the largest umbrella group for U.S. nuns.