| Archdiocese to Address Priests on Clergy Sexual Misconduct
By Emily Gurnon
The Pioneer Press
October 28, 2013
The archdiocese official in charge of handling clergy sexual misconduct issues has invited priests to a Wednesday briefing on how the matter is being handled.
The Rev. Reginald Whitt also told fellow clerics in an Oct. 21 letter that he wanted to clarify his role as the new vicar for ministerial standards and that of the new lay task force whose members he chose.
Because "serious allegations" have surfaced in the past several weeks concerning certain priests and the handling of their cases, Whitt wrote, clergy would have an opportunity to be briefed and ask questions at Wednesday's "clergy study day."
Laurie Wohlers, an administrative assistant at the archdiocese, said in an Oct. 22 email to priests that Archbishop John Nienstedt would speak about the "current crisis" at the session. Later that day, she said auxiliary Bishop Lee Piche would address the meeting instead of the archbishop.
Whitt said he would not attend. He teaches at St. Thomas that day, an archdiocese spokesman said.
Whitt appeared to be responding in his letter to expressions of concern by clergy about their professional standing, given the heightened scrutiny of priests' conduct of recent weeks.
"I understand that many of you may be anxious about your right to privacy and a good reputation," Whitt wrote.
The lay task force "may review a previous decision that was made regarding a reported incident, whether it was deemed credible or not at the time," he wrote. "I assure you that all persons will be treated with due process, and policies will be applied uniformly to all cases."
The six members whom Whitt appointed to the task force are barred from divulging information related to individual priests, his letter said.
Whitt did not respond to an email requesting comment on what prompted the letter.
Reports have surfaced since late September about how the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis has handled cases of priests accused of child sexual abuse and other sexual misconduct.
Stephen Cribari is a law professor at the University of Minnesota with a background in criminal defense, as well as church canon law.
He said that oversight and accountability of priests and their bishop "are by and large good things as long as they are reasonable and balanced."
People accused of wrongdoing have rights under civil law, "and you can't pretend they don't," Cribari said.
In addition to the lay task force, the archdiocese has formed another board and "re-established" the existing Clergy Review Board, according to documents on its website dated Sept. 18.
The Clergy Review Board will limit its work to cases of clergy accused of child sexual abuse. The new Ministerial Standards Board will advise the archbishop on other types of clergy misconduct, such as sexual misconduct with adults, gambling, drug and alcohol use, pornography, criminal lewd conduct, "boundary violations" and financial crimes.
In addition, Nienstedt said last week that he would hire an outside law firm to perform a "review of all clergy files."
Recent media reports spurred several local priests to publicly criticize Nienstedt.
In his Sunday homily, the Rev. Stephen O'Gara of Church of the Assumption in St. Paul admitted he has "never gotten along with the archbishop" but does not take any satisfaction in Nienstedt's current difficulties.
Yet, he called on parishioners "to demand he come forward. Clean slate. Stand before a venue of people and answer the questions. Tell us the truth."
He said it was the first time in his 69 years that he was "embarrassed to be Catholic."
O'Gara did not return a call for comment Monday.
James Accurso, spokesman for the archdiocese, did not respond to a request for comment regarding O'Gara's homily.
Contact: egurnon@pioneerpress.com