| Catholic Church Must Go Further on Child Sex Abuse
By Patrick Parkinson
Sydney Morning Herald
October 25, 2013
'The pathway to renewal may also lie in transferring much power and responsibility from the clergy and religious to Catholic lay people.' Photo: Edwina Pickles
There ought to be little doubt that as a society, our record of dealing with child sexual abuse is one of shocking moral failure. It is a reasonable estimate to say that one in four Australian girls and one in 10 boys growing up in the 1970s and '80s experienced some form of sexual abuse before the age of 16. These are truly shocking figures.
Some of that abuse has occurred in church contexts. By far the most of these cases have been in the Catholic Church. Figures produced by the Victorian police of cases since 1950 indicated there were 10 times as many cases in the Catholic Church as in the Anglican Church, which was the next largest group. If that history were not bad enough, the cover-up of those crimes has been a scandal.
In the court of public opinion, the judgment has already been delivered. It is only the consequences of that judgment which are still being worked out in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Yet there is still a need to understand why these failures occurred. The reality is that no church or other community organisation is free from reproach. In Australia, there have been three inquiries established by the Anglican Church into its past failings in dealing appropriately with child sexual abuse cases. Much has changed since the mid-1990s, and child protection is typically taken very seriously in churches. Nonetheless, there is no room for complacency in any community organisation.
Some of the worst scandals have engulfed the Catholic Church. There are two aspects of Catholic teaching which may help explain this. The first is the place of canon law in the life and thought of the worldwide Catholic Church. The second is the culture of clericalism.
There has long been a culture within international Catholicism that the proper place for judging clergy is through its canon law. In this sense, the church perceived it to be a law unto itself. Canon 1395 provides that clergy who abuse children under 18 are to be "punished with just penalties, not excluding dismissal from the clerical state"; but it was no part of canonical thinking that child sexual abuse is a crime that ought routinely to be reported to the police and dealt with by the criminal courts.
The second factor was clericalism. The Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith put it succinctly in 2011: "The bishop has a duty to treat all priests as father and brother." The view was expressed at the highest levels in Rome little more than a decade ago that this involved an obligation not to denounce priests and religious brothers to the police or courts.
It is in this context that the response of the Australian church leadership needs to be understood. Towards Healing, published first in 1996, was a radical and proactive step at the time. Those who gave leadership to this were people of great integrity and commitment. The unerring condemnation of the Catholic Church as a whole is unfair to the many decent people who have tried to make amends, to help victims and to put in place better processes for dealing with these issues. There have been substantial improvements in the last 15 years, but they have been from a dreadful baseline.
While much has changed in the culture of the Catholic Church, some old attitudes remain. Some leaders have spent extravagantly on legal representation for alleged offenders, while being miserly in compensation of victims; for others, the greatest concern was to protect their organisation from scandal rather than for the children in their care. There are still those who would aspire to tough out the various inquiries, mixing some candour with a lot of spin, rather than tell the unvarnished truth. There remain a few rotten apples.
The Catholic Church has a major governance problem. People think of it as a highly structured and hierarchical institution, but actually each bishop is the prime authority in his diocese, and each religious order is largely autonomous, subject to direction from Rome. To rebuild community trust, the church needs to find a way of removing from their positions leaders who have failed egregiously to do the right thing. I have no reason for confidence that this leadership will come from the Vatican in the immediate future.
In Australia, it may be that the crisis of confidence and trust will not pass until the present generation of leaders who are tainted by their handling of matters earlier in their careers have passed the baton on to a younger generation.
The pathway to renewal may also lie in transferring much power and responsibility from the clergy and religious to Catholic lay people.There are men and women of the highest integrity and deepest faith who could help the Catholic Church rise again, but that will mean major cultural change, and a renewed commitment to follow the example of the carpenter from Galilee.
Patrick Parkinson is a professor of law at the University of Sydney. This is extracted from Thursday night's Sydney Smith Lecture.