| Brooklyn D.A. Candidate Ken Thompson Hired Disgraced Hasidic Pr Flack As Campaign Consultant
By Shmarya Rosenberg
The Failed Messiah
October 22, 2013
Yossi Gestetner, Ken Thompson and Moshe Weiser, the brother of the Shimon Weiser, alleged Willliamsburg modesty squad member and the man behind the attempted VIN ban several years ago
Yossi Gestetner, who served as a spokesperson for the massive Williamsburg fundraising event for hasidic pedophile Nechemya Weberman, was hired by Thompson's campaign as a consultant to set up events in the hasidic community. Gestetner was dumped by the New York State Republican party after it learned about Gestetner's role in that Weberman fundraiser and about Gestetner's affiliation with a vehemently anti-Zionist hasidic group. Ken Thompson hired him anyway.
Thompson Hires Gestetner As A Campaign Consultant
Yossi Gestetner, who served as a spokesperson for the massive Williamsburg fundraising event for hasidic pedophile Nechemya Weberman, was hired by Thompson's campaign as a consultant to set up events in the hasidic community.
Gestetner was dumped by the New York State Republican party last year, which had hired him to be its Jewish liaison, after it learned about Gestetner's role in that Weberman fundraiser and about Gestetner's affiliation with a vehemently anti-Zionist hasidic group. Ken Thompson hired him anyway.
Months ago, Brooklyn D.A. Charles J. Hynes's primary campaign was allegedly negotiating with Gestetner with the aim of hiring him as a consultant to do much of the same things Gestetner is now doing for Thompson. But that deal apparently was never finalized and both Hynes and Gestetner at the time denied it.
Thompson, who routed Hynes in the Democratic primary, is now facing him again in the general election because Hynes – who has repeatedly lied and race-bated – is now running as a Republican and a Conservative.
A source close to the campaign told me Thompson is unaware of much of Jewish community internal politics and most likely wasn't aware of Gestetner's role in that Weberman fundraiser or of his affiliation with anti-Zionist hasidism. The source also said that Thompson did not seek out Gestetner and that his hiring was not Thompson's direct doing.
However, Thompson's campaign spokesman, James Freedland, did not answer repeated requests over the past week for clarification of Gestetner's status with the campaign.