| Family of Middleborough Hit-and-run Victim Heartbroken
October 17, 2013
Newscenter 5. New This Midday, It's Called An Unprecedented Event. The Boston Cardinal O'mally Meeting For Lawmakers For An Informal Breakfast. Let's Go To Todd Kazakiewich In Boston To See What They Were Discussing. It Was Held At Union Park Street, Across The Street And Down The Hill From The State House. There Were A Number Of Lawmakers In Attendance, According To Them As Well As The Archdiocese,
This Was A Presentation About Some Positive Things Being Done Locally, But There Were Demonstrators Outside And They Fear There Was A Hidden Agenda. Cardinal Sean O'mally Declined To Speak Would Protesters Or Reporters. The Protesters Are For Sexual Abuse Victims Concerned, They'll Kill The Bills To Extend Statute Of Limitations. T