| Vancouver Priest Named Bishop of Canada's Largest Diocese
The Vancouver Sun
October 15, 2013
A Vancouver priest who heads the Catholic colleges at the University of B.C. has been appointed by Pope Francis to be bishop of Canada’s largest diocese.
A Vancouver priest who heads the Catholic colleges at the University of B.C. has been appointed by Pope Francis to be bishop of Canada’s largest diocese.
Monsignor Mark Hagemoen will become Bishop of the diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith, based in Yellowknife.
Mackenzie-Fort Smith includes most of the Northwest Territories and parts of Nunavut and Saskatchewan, covering 1.5 million square kilometres. It has a population of 49,150 and a Catholic population of about 27,000, according to Paul Schratz, communications director for the Archdiocese of Vancouver at the John Paul II Pastoral Centre.
Vancouver Archbishop J. Michael Miller called the appointment “valued recognition of a very gifted administrator who has taken in hand the stewardship of our two Catholic colleges at UBC in a very able way.”
Miller said Hagemoen has strong connections with First Nations people, and has worked to foster healing and reconciliation with the Catholic church.
The date of his ordination and installation has not been set yet.