| Cleveland Catholic Diocese Reviewing Father James Mcgonegal after Soliciting Sex Allegations
By Jen Steer
October 14, 2013
[the police report] https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/804616-rev-james-mcgonegal-incident-report.html
James McGonegal (Photo courtesy: Cleveland police)
A Cleveland priest has stepped down from his duties after being accused of soliciting sex.
Father James McGonegal was arrested on Friday after he offered a Cleveland Metropark ranger $50 for sex at Edgewater Park, a park spokeswoman said. McGonegal also admitted he is HIV positive, which increased the charges.
On Monday, the Cleveland Catholic Diocese said that McGonegal’s status is under review.
“Fr. McGonegal has stepped away from his duties at St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish to attend to his personal matters,” the diocese said in a statement. “Fr. Gary Yanus, priest in residence at St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish will temporarily attend to the sacramental needs of the parish community.”
The priest was held at the Cleveland City Jail until Saturday. He is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday.