| Catholic Diocese of Antigonish Renewal Congress Closes
Cape Breton Post
October 10, 2013
Delegates take part in closing activities at the Catholic Diocese of Antigonish renewal congress Oct. 9, 2013, in Sydney.
SYDNEY — Bishop Brian Dunn closed the Catholic Diocese of Antigonish renewal congress with a message of encouragement for the approximately 300 delegates in attendance, made of up parishioners, deacons, women, religious and clergy from all corners of the diocese.
© Submitted photo Delegates take part in closing activities at the Catholic Diocese of Antigonish renewal congress Oct. 9, 2013, in Sydney.
“May the delegates of this congress be the salt of the earth and the light of the world for the renewal of our diocese and parishes, especially as we implement our diocesan pastoral plan,” Dunn said in his closing remarks.
The delegates spent the last four days at the Membertou Trade and Convention Centre developing a set of actions and strategies that the diocese and all the parishes can begin to implement over the course of the next five years as a way to renew the church in eastern Nova Scotia. The congress theme was "Rebuilding My People, the Church."
Marilyn Milner of Antigonish, a member of the planning team, thanked congress facilitator Anne Walsh.
Mary Samson of Louisdale, another planning committee member, thanked Dunn on what was his fifth anniversary of being ordained a bishop.
The congress ended Wednesday afternoon at Membertou. For more information, contact Fr. Donald MacGillivray, diocese spokesperson, at 902-870-2536.