The Truth Will Set US Free - If It Doesn't Drive US to Despair
By Kevin O'Brien
Waiting for Godot to Leave
October 8, 2013
OK, kids, I need your help here.
Dr. Eric commented on my latest post (which is about a priest addicted to gay child porn and other priests and bishops who protect him and give him access to children), and my reply follows ...
How do these guys make into the seminary? How do they end up getting ordained?
Dr. Eric
October 8, 2013 at 4:24 AM
Kevin O'Brien said...
Eric, the only answer I can come up with is any actual belief in God has been abandoned [in the Church]; the empty shell of an unmarried all-male culture that exists to serve a God that no one believes in anymore serves only as a cover for this kind of behavior. The false culture these men assert becomes a mask that protects the real culture of homosexual license and sex with children. I really think, in many cases, it's literally that bad.
This is not to say that no priest or bishop is sincerely Christian, but a pretend culture now protects a true culture of unbelievable depravity.
This also explains liturgical abuse and lay Catholics who don't know who Jesus Christ is in any except the most superficial of ways. A true Catholic culture would not bear such fruit. Hypocrisy rotten to the core would.
Is it really that bad? Or am I being cynical?
My mind keeps going back to this (from an upcoming prayer post that has been written but not published) ...
Here you can read about The Battle of Lepanto, and how by means of the Holy Rosary and Mary's intercession, the Christian fleet won their first victory against the Muslims, saving all of Europe.
To me the most amazing thing in the whole article is not the miraculous victory, the blessings of the Rosary, or the miraculous vision of victory given to Pope Pius V, but this. Before the Christian fleet left ...
The Pope ordered the admirals and generals to disband 1) all soldiers and seamen who were interested in fighting not for preservation of Christendom but only for plunder; 2) all scandalizing and rioting men who might bring indignation down from heaven by their misdeeds.
"But ... but ... but ... we might not win!"
If Pope St. Pius V can ask for military men with that degree of sanctity, why can bishops not ask for priests who at a bare minimum don't view child porn and fantasize about sex with boys?
In what kind of Bizarro-Catholic world can that question even seriously be asked???