| Paul V. Peter, Again: Woman Chancellor Defies Pope's Man
By Jerry Slevin
Christian Catholicism
October 6, 2013
The former Chancellor of the St. PAUL Archdiocese (USA), a woman canon lawyer, is in effect challenging the man whom the successor of St. PETER has serving as bishop.
Amazingly, their scholastic dispute is mainly over whether the pornographic performers on a priest’s computer file were as young as a “child”. You can’t make this stuff up.
The female Chancellor bravely quit in protest. She is holding her ground against her bishop, an arch anti-gay marriage activist. She is proving, single handedly, what a difference a woman makes, in a world of childless celibates, when it comes to protecting children, among other things.
She is also likely giving many in the Catholic hierarchy in the USA and the Vatican some real nightmares, since she likely knows even more “secrets”. This bold woman is not clamming up like Philly’s Cardinal Rigali’s Secretary, Msgr. Lynn, did.
Pope Francis should appoint her immediately to the Council of Cardinals, instead of only the “usual suspects”. He would then at least get the full truth. She probably already even owns a red dress, but may need to buy some cufflinks.
Reportedly, the police seemed to have bungled the child pornography case so far, accepting apparently at face value weak explanations from the Archdiocesan staff and its lawyers. Hopefully, the local state prosecutors will call for a full grand jury soon. This could make Philly’s Msgr. Lynn’s conviction pale by comparison.
And since possession of child pornography is a Federal crime, the question arises where is the FBI? A unique twist in this case is the possible role in the computer file custody chain of another priest who is the brother of President Obama’s Chief of Staff.
Will that factor into the scope and intensity of the FBI’s investigation? I hope not. Time will tell.
For some of the St. Paul Archdiocese story details, please click on at:
For the background on the reported possible computer file custody connection to the brother of President Obama’s Chief of Staff, please click on to my earlier remarks, “Pope Francis, President Obama and Children: What’s Up?” , accessible at: http://wp.me/P2YEZ3-Qt