| Graphic Pedophilia "Evidence" Mounts against Polish Priest
Dominican Today
October 4, 2013
W. Gil. File.
Santiago.- The months-long investigation by the Santiago Office of the Prosecutor and the analysis of computer files seized from Polish priest Wojciech Gil found that the Catholic prelate abused at least 15 boys.
Among the photos found figure the priest masturbating one of the minors, as well as other aberrant poses.
Most of the minors in the Catholic priest’s photos are from the Santiago province hamlet of Juncalito, near the Central Mountain town of Janico. Many appear dressed in women's undergarments also seized during raids conduced just days after the scandal broke.
"We’ve found in the hard disks, a laptop, DVD, at least 14 or 15 children in the hundreds of photos that he kept, who are from Juncalito and were forced to put on girls underwear," said a source quoted by citysantiago.com. A total of 30 pieces were found and of these 10 were small thongs and another eight were tights.
The authorities are currently translating the indictment into Polish, the native language of Gil (Padre Alberto), to execute the arrest warrant in the case uncovered by newspaper El Caribe and investigative journalist Nuria Piera.