| Catholic Church in Bad Company When It Comes to Child Sex Abuse
By Susan Matthews
September 28, 2013
Billy Graham’s grandson has declared “evangelicals” worse than Catholics on child sex abuse. See article here. Whether or not that’s true is irrelevant. What does matter is protecting children from predators in general and specifically those who hide behind God. The latter steal a victim’s spirituality along with their childhood. The term “soul murder” is very appropriate.
The Catholic Church, whether better or worse than others, has a responsibility to be a leader in the solution. Yet, I suspect the Catholic Church outspends other faiths in blocking legislation that would protect all children – regardless of faith.
Sadly, to date, our only hope has been law enforcement, the judicial system and parental awareness. If ever there was an issue that an Interfaith Council should address, this is it. This is an opportunity for Pope Francis to inspire and create global change, but he has to start at home.