| Fairbanks Bishop Named to Lead Minnesota Diocese
By Chris Klint
September 20, 2013
Fairbanks Bishop Donald J. Kettler was named by Pope Francis to lead the St. Cloud, Minn. diocese Friday. Church officials say Kettler, ordained as Fairbanks' bishop in 2002, will prepare the local diocese for the transition before he is installed in St. Cloud Nov. 7
The bishop of Fairbanks’ Roman Catholic diocese has received a new posting in Minnesota from the Vatican, church officials announced Friday.
According to a statement from the Fairbanks diocese, Bishop Donald J. Kettler has been appointed to lead the St. Cloud, Minn. diocese. The move was prompted by the retirement of current St. Cloud Bishop John Kinney, recommended in church guidelines at age 75.
“The Vatican announced the appointment at 2 a.m. Alaska time today,” church officials wrote. “Bishop Kettler was in St. Cloud and joined diocesan officials for the announcement.”
Ordained as Fairbanks’ bishop in 2002, Kettler has led its congregation for 11 years. The diocese declared bankruptcy during his tenure in 2008, in a plan approved by its creditors -- including almost all of the 258 victims of clergy sexual abuse who had sued the diocese at the time.
“In the face of that revelation and to fairly address the harm, Bishop Kettler filed for Chapter 11 reorganization in federal Bankruptcy Court on 7 March 2008,” church officials wrote. “The diocese emerged from bankruptcy almost two years later, in January 2010.”
Kettler subsequently toured the state to offer his apologies to parishioners, along with “penance patches” symbolizing the church’s contrition.
Before his installation in St. Cloud on Nov. 7, Kettler will supervise preparations for the transition in Fairbanks. An administrator will be appointed to lead the diocese after his departure, until Pope Francis names a new bishop for Fairbanks.