| Chairman's Remarks at Third Public Hearing of the Inquiry in the Ramada Encore Hotel, St Anne's Square, Belfast
Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry
September 4, 2013
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the third public session of the HIA Inquiry.
As some time has passed since the last public session of the Inquiry I want to take this opportunity to explain some of what we have been doing; and to announce a number of important matters that will have a bearing on the work of the Inquiry over the coming months. In addition, you will hear from one of the members of the Acknowledgement Forum and from senior counsel to the Inquiry. They will describe some of the aspects of our work in greater detail. Read more .... (PDF 476 KB)
Press Release
Issued 22nd August 2013 for immediate use.
Forthcoming public hearing and Australia visit
The Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry will be holding its third public hearing at 11am on Wednesday, 4th September, 2013.
At the hearing, the Inquiry’s Chairman, Sir Anthony Hart, will provide an update on the work of the Inquiry to date. He will also speak about proposed timelines, and will deal with associated procedural issues which will be of interest to institutions and applicants. The hearing will take place at the Ramada Encore, St Anne’s Square in Belfast.
To date, 355 individuals have made a formal application to speak to the Inquiry. Most of the applications (224) have come from individuals residing in Northern Ireland. However, there have also been 57 applications from Australia, 47 applications from Great Britain, 17 applications from the Republic of Ireland and 5 from other countries.
The Inquiry’s Acknowledgement Forum has now met with 173 applicants, while its legal team has interviewed 60 potential witnesses to help prepare witness statements.
The Forum provides a more informal environment in which applicants can talk privately about their experiences, and is the first stage of their engagement with the Inquiry for most applicants. Applicants are given the option of speaking to the Forum, taking part in the public inquiry, or participating in both processes. To date, most individuals (69%) have opted to take part in both.
To assist potential witnesses from Australia, a team from the Inquiry will be travelling to Australia in mid- September to talk to applicants residing there. An Inquiry spokesperson said:
“The Inquiry welcomes the fact that the number of applications from Northern Ireland and elsewhere has risen significantly over the past months, following extensive promotional and outreach work.
“The Inquiry is very conscious of the need to make the whole process as accessible as possible to potential witnesses, wherever they may reside.
“It is for this reason that it has decided to send a team to Australia to meet the large number of applicants there.
“This will reduce the need for applicants to travel to Northern Ireland, and will help to ensure that as many potential witnesses as possible can speak in person to the Inquiry.”
In February 2013, the Inquiry launched a promotional and outreach campaign, designed to raise awareness about the Inquiry’s existence and to encourage potential witnesses to come forward. The campaign included an advertising poster campaign at bus shelters across Northern Ireland.
In addition, the Inquiry team distributed promotional literature to libraries, GP surgeries and other venues in Northern Ireland, as well as engaging with relevant organisations across Northern Ireland, Great Britain, the Republic of Ireland and overseas. The Inquiry also initiated media publicity in Northern Ireland and elsewhere.
Prior to the launch of the promotional and outreach campaign, 175 formal applications had been received, of which just 1% came from outside Northern Ireland, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland.
Potential witnesses are still able to submit formal applications to the Inquiry, if they have not already done so.
At the 4th September hearing, the Chairman will be announcing the closing date for applications. This deadline is being set to ensure that the Inquiry can meet the time frame laid out in its Terms of Reference. Under the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference, the Inquiry has to complete its hearings and all investigative work by mid-summer 2015, and has to submit its report to the Northern Ireland Executive by 18 January 2016.
Survivors of childhood abuse in Northern Ireland institutions and any other potential witnesses who wish to contact the Inquiry should visit the Inquiry’s website at: www.hiainquiry.org or contact the Inquiry on the following Freephone number: 0800 068 4935.
Press Release
Issued: 31st May 2013 Embargoed for use from 00.01 hours [GMT + 1 hour], Monday 3rd June
Inquiry launches international appeal
A major statutory inquiry into historical institutional abuse in Northern Ireland is today [Monday 3rd June] launching an international appeal for victims and survivors to come forward.
The Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry was set up earlier this year by the Northern Ireland Executive. It has a remit to investigate child abuse which occurred in residential institutions in Northern Ireland over a 74-year period up to 1995. Read more ..... (PDF 176 KB)
Press Release 1st March 2013
An appeal by the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry for victims and survivors to come forward is being rolled out across Northern Ireland.
The inquiry has launched a promotional campaign using bus shelter advertising posters at 80 locations in a total of 31 towns and cities throughout Northern Ireland. The posters carry a simple message – ‘Talk to Us – We’ll Listen’ - in an effort to raise awareness of the Inquiry among victims and survivors, and to encourage them to make contact with the Inquiry. talk_to_us_-_we_ll_listen
appeal_weeklies_130301_final.pdf">Read more .... (PDF 232 KB)
Chairman's Remarks at Second Public Hearing of the Inquiry in the Everglades Hotel
27th February 2013
Sir Anthony Hart
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to the second public session of the Inquiry into Historical Institutional Abuse in Northern Ireland. With me today are a number of the panel members of the Inquiry. Geraldine Doherty is a panel member of the Statutory Inquiry part of the Inquiry with myself. David Lane, who is the other member of the Statutory Inquiry panel, is unable to be with us today. The other part of the Inquiry is the Acknowledgement Forum, and I shall explain the different roles of the two parts of the Inquiry in a few minutes. Norah Gibbons and Beverley Clarke are members of the Acknowledgement Forum panel. Tom Shaw and David Marshall are the other Acknowledgement Forum panel members, but they are unable to be present today. Also present are Andrew Browne, Secretary to the Inquiry, and Patrick Butler, the Solicitor to the Inquiry. Christine Smith QC and Joseph Aiken, who are the Senior and Junior Counsel to the Inquiry respectively, are also here. In the information pack which you will be given at the end of this session, you will find some brief biographical details of the people I have mentioned. Read more ..... (PDF 190 KB)
Press Release 21st February 2013 (PDF 209 KB)
Press Release from Chairman - Sir Anthony Hart - 29th January 2013 (PDF 96 KB)
Press Release from Chairman - Sir Anthony Hart - 30th November 2102 97KB (PDF 96 KB)
Press Release from Chairman - Sir Anthony Hart - 2nd November 2012 90K (PDF 90 KB)
Press Release from Chairman - Sir Anthony Hart - 1st November 2012 88KB (PDF 87 KB)
Press Release from Chairman - Sir Anthony Hart - 19th October 2012 130KB (PDF 130 KB)
Press Release from Chairman - Sir Anthony Hart -1st October 2012 (MS Word 35 KB)