| California State Senate, Please Vote Yes to Sb 131...contact/ Write to Your State Senators - Let Them Know You Support the Bill!
By Paris Arrow
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
September 4, 2013
42-14, California Assembly voted YES to SB 131. Hoorah! Hoorah!
Thank you, California Representatives, for voting YES to SB 131, may God reward you for doing the RIGHT THING. You shall bring your vote to SB 131 to your grave and eternal life. Every child that you render justice to - with this SB 131 - you shall be greatly rewarded by Divine Justice! California Legislative Assembly, you are showing to the USA and to the whole world that – the Roman Catholic Church is not above the law, specially secular law
– and that the (once-upon-a-time godly) Roman Catholic Church must now (again like Cardinal Mahony paid $660 million to victims) - pay for ALL the crimes it covered-up – and face ALL the consequences of ALL pedophile priests it covered-up through the decades. It’s time for the hypocritical Roman Catholic Church to stop obstructing justice against children and women, read our related article about the (wrong) powerful influence of the Vatican in the United Nations here -
HOORAH!!! HOORAH!!! That’s two defeats - this August and September for Opus Dei Archbishop Gomez -- and Catholic Goliath-bully Bill Donohue and his boastful 10,000 members of Catholics League Army failed to convince the Assembly this Wednesday…again, despite his Los Angeles Archdiocese’s automatic Catholic standard letter and direct links to all the Representatives in the diocese’s website. Goliath-bully Bill Donohue and his Catholic League Army failed last August 21, and now they failed again on September 4. That’s strike two. (We are looking forward to) strike three... and you are out!!!
We pray for the SENATE to VOTE the final YES to bill SB 131 so as to prove to people in California and in the USA, that our American secular government is above all religion and most of all above the Roman Catholic Church
The Assembly “narrowly” passed bill SB 131 with 42-14 votes, see news updates below including Senator Jim Beall article that “Institutions are culpable for turning a blind eye” that SB131 is about justice. Whatever, however “narrowly” that means, the bill passed, and that is the most important thing, because now it can go forward to the Senate for final vote. Olympians win their medals at the fraction of seconds. So we’ll take “narrowly” – as long as it passed! These votes are all akin to Olympic gold medals for victims of pedophiles (priests)!
California Legislature is more moral than the Catholic Church
As the world watches the California Senate to finally pass this “role model” monumental bill – which will influence other states to do the same – may California Senators prove that secular law trumps religious law – that they as secular lawmakers are more relevant for the salvation of children, women and men, that secular representatives and senators are more important than false sorcerers and false magicians Bishops and priests who cannot clone cats and dogs but claim that they can clone God the Christ’s flesh!
The California Legislature is proving itself “more moral” than the Roman Catholic Church. California Representatives proved themselves as reliable moral representatives of the people of California. And adults, women, and now children can rely on their representatives. Read our related article,