Archbishop Announces Independent Review of Deceased Clergy Files

Anglican Archbishop of York
August 17, 2013

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu.

The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu has today announced that there will be an independent review of all files relating to deceased clergy who served in the Diocese of York from before 1950 to the present.

On July 22nd 2013 the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, announced the launch of an Independent Inquiry, led by HH Judge Sally Cahill QC, into the Church’s handling of reports of alleged child abuse by the late Robert Waddington, a former Dean of Manchester.

The Inquiry has now begun its work, and HH Judge Cahill has appealed for those with relevant information to contact the Secretary of the Inquiry, Mrs Nicola Harding, at Cathedral Chambers, 4 Kirkgate, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1PA.

Prior to this, in July the General Synod had voted to acknowledge and apologise for past safeguarding wrongs in the Church of England, and to ensure that steps are taken to make sure that victims of abuse are always actively listened to and offered appropriate support.

In the light of this, the Archbishop has recalled from the archive all files of deceased clergy who served in the Diocese of York from before 1950 to the present, and has appointed an Independent Reviewer to examine these files thoroughly. The protocol for the Church of England’s National Review of Past Cases of Child Abuse which took place in 2008/9 did not include the files of deceased clergy, but it is now recognised that it is important to review these files as well. Where relevant material is found, this will help to inform the response of the Church and of relevant statutory agencies to any reports which may surface in relation to those who have since died.

The Archbishop of York said: “The damage done by the sexual abuse of children is immense, and the passage of time does not in itself bring healing. Where young people are shown to have been betrayed by individuals in a position of trust and by the institution’s failure to protect them, it is for the Church to acknowledge the hurt which has been done, to offer a full apology, and to prove, so far as is possible, that policies and practices are improved such that the same systemic failure could never be repeated.”

The Church of England continues to review its Child Protection and Safeguarding policies regularly to ensure that the Church is a safe place for all.

The Archbishop’s Chief of Staff, The Revd Malcolm Macnaughton, said,

“Our priority now is to respond well to those who have the courage to come forward to say what happened to them. We want them to know that their story will be listened to, and that where the Church has been at fault this will be acknowledged. Because of policies now in place we believe that today’s young people are in a much safer position – but there is no room for complacency. So the message is – if anyone has information about known or suspected abuse – please do not hesitate to come forward.

“Where an alleged perpetrator of sexual abuse is still living, this should be reported directly to the police, or to the local safeguarding children panel. Where the alleged abuser has since died, those who were abused or who were aware of the abuse may still wish to come forward, and we would encourage them to do so.”

If anyone wishes to report or provide information about known or suspected abuse in the Diocese of York they can speak to one of the Archbishop’s Chaplains by calling 01904 707021. There is a female and a male chaplain, and callers can ask to speak to either of them. Callers should be aware that for safeguarding purposes the information given may by law have to be passed on to the Police or to the relevant Safeguarding Children’s Board.

Anyone wanting to inform the Statutory Authorities, can speak to a Local Authority Designated Officer. Their details can be found through the Local Safeguarding Children Boards listed below:








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