Pope Francis in Brazil Proved US Right and Anne Lastman Wrong.
By Paris Arrow
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils
July 31, 2013
As feminists, we strongly disagree and defy Anne Lastman who uses women symbolism (Bride of Christ) to justify and cover-up the Catholic Church which is ruled only by males, the Popes and their Crimes and Vatican Evils for centuries, and the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – who are men only!! The Vatican Gay Lobby, only males, could also use her imagery very well, read more below.
Pope Francis’ rock-star World Youth Day in Brazil proved that we are right and Anne Lastman is wrong, very wrong. Pope Francis proved that Anne Lastman is misleading the world when she writes, “The Catholic Church…is a church limping towards Calvary, being spat upon, being vilified, despised. I would suggest that there is more to what we are seeing. We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom.” Anne Lastman’s Catholic Church amidst all those papal spectacles and political photo-ops with the poor (to segue attention away from secret Vatican Swiss Banks that oppress these same poor people) – was not “crucifixion” at all. Pope Francis, his Vatican entourage, those 3 millions of Catholics basking in the sun as they feasted and ate the cloned flesh of Christ definitely were not “a church limping towards Calvary, being spat upon, being vilified, despised”. To “clone Christ” before 3 million people in the beach of Rio de Janeiro was not “crucifixion” but Hollywood rock-star reception and manipulation and Vatican Deceits in prime action, read our related article, Argo & “saint” John Paul II are make-believe legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the twin cities that “lie for a living” http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/07/argo-john-paul-ii-are-make-believe_11.html So really, Where was “the Bride of Christ…limping towards Calvary” in Copacabana beach?
If Anne Lastman subtle intention is to refer to the “crucifixion” of the Bride of Christ as (the Catholic Church …“being spat upon, being vilified, despised”) as equivalent to being investigated and pursued by…the secular United Nations that recently commanded the Vatican to release all its cover-ups and files of child abuse, or secular lawyers and the Royal Commission in Australia interrogating her beloved holy idol Cardinal Pell and Bishops who covered-up pedophile priests (see news updates below), then she is attacking the UN, the secular justice system, and she is trying to weaken the rights of the secular courts (like the Royal Commission, see news updates below) and secular police to investigate, prosecute, and jail Catholic pedophile priests and the Cardinals and Bishops who covered-them up. Read our related article, “UN commands Vatican to reveal cover-ups/info… like Milwaukee pedophile priests files & Cardinal Dolan’s role “ http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/07/un-commands-vatican-to-reveal-cover.html
Pope Francis in his capacity as Jesuit Master of Vatican Deceits used the World Youth Day in Brazil to announce that “it is definitive that there will be no women ordination and no women priests”. Therefore, it is preposterous to use this imagery of “Bride of Christ” for the Catholic Church
– where women are not allowed to be priests (it’s because the Vatican Gay Lobby will lose their privacy and the Vatican Billions in secret Swiss Banks will lose their secrecy, read more here http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2011/03/vatican-billions-holy-mass-tourism-for.html.)
- where women are forbidden to preside in or be near altars of worships
- where women are not allowed to reside inside the Vatican “country”
- where women cannot be part of the Catholic Church hierarchy
- where women have no voice whatsoever on Church laws that affect them
- where women are expected to kowtow and be “Amen” second class citizens.
“Bride of Christ” is one of the worst Vatican Lies and the apex abuse of female imagery used to deceive the world - which is a typical Opus Dei Modus Operandi, read here our related article, Opus Dei female symbol for John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army