| Cardinal Dolan Not in Judgement of Anthony Weiner, Delta Queen Return, Todd Akin
Berger's Beat
July 30, 2013
A grassroots effort is underway to renovate and return the Delta Queen to cruise the Mississippi River. The 86 year-old paddle wheel steamboat ceased traveling in 2008 and has become a floating hotel in Chattanooga, Tennessee. . .Under the headline “Little Church, Big History,” the bi-monthly Catholic St. Louis describes the $15 million drive to restore the Old Cathedral, stressing that it’s “the only building that can be traced directly to the founding of St. Louis”. . .Cardinal Timothy Dolan on CBS “This Morning,” said that he won’t stand in judgement of mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner. “I think redemption is always possible and always God’s preference,” he told host Charlie Rose. ..The August issue of the Missouri Conservationist reports that the deer harvest in our region last year increased 18 percent over the year before. (The magazine also lists the hours one can get into the Conservation Dept.’s exhibit booth at the state fair in Sedalia but neglects to tell readers when the fair actually is. Oops!. . .And in a thought-provoking piece titled “What if Mitt Romney Had Won?” the latest Economist points out, that we’re approaching what would have been the 200th day of a GOP presidency. . .Where did Todd Akin get the notion that rape victims can’t conceive? According to Llena Silverman of The New York Times, that bizarre notion stems from an obstetrician Fred Mecklenburg, who cited a Nazi experiment in which women were told they were on their way to die in the gas chambers. They were then allowed to live, so that doctors could check whether they would still ovulate. “Since few did, Mecklenburg claimed that women exposed to the emotional trauma of rape wouldn’t be able to become pregnant, either,” Silverman writes. . .Several weeks after it was announced during masses at his Lincoln County parish, Fr. Phillip Krahman’s sudden – and unexplained – resignation from Immaculate Conception church was noted in the latest edition of the archdiocesan newspaper. That’s the same small community where the alleged victim of recent child molestation by Fr. Joseph JIiang lives. Coincidence?
And Jennifer Lopez has gotten a “no thanks” by NBC brass for her services on “The Voice.” Lately, she’s been performing for millions before dictators and despots and undoubtedly that may be the reason for the negative.