| Nsw Priest under Investigation Promoted
By Paul Maguire
7 News
July 11, 2013
A Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing a boy was given control of a second parish four months after a police investigation had begun.
The appointment of Branxton's Father James Fletcher to also run the Lochinvar parish in October 2002 was one of numerous regrets Bishop Michael Malone expressed to a special NSW commission of inquiry on Thursday.
When asked by a barrister assisting the commission, Julia Lonergan, why Fr Fletcher was appointed to a parish that had a primary school and high school whose students had no knowledge of the allegations, Bishop Malone answered: "We had no-one else to put in.
"So it was better to appoint someone accused of paedophilia than no-one at all?" Ms Lonergan asked.
"I take your point," Bishop Malone responded.
"I have a lot of regrets about this.
"In hindsight I wish I'd have acted with more determination in standing him aside and not informing him (Fr Fletcher that the police investigation was underway).
The inquiry, before Commissioner Margaret Cunneen in Newcastle Supreme Court, is examining how Catholic Church leaders and police handled child sexual abuse allegations against Fr Fletcher and another priest, Denis McAlinden (both of whom are now dead).
It was sparked by assertions from police whistleblower, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox, that church leaders had covered up criminal offences and hindered police investigations and were assisted by a "Catholic mafia" within police ranks.
Bishop Malone, who was Maitland/Newcastle diocese bishop from 1995 until his retirement in 2011, told Commissioner Cunneen that when he became bishop he was unaware that paedophilia was "endemic" among Catholic priests.
On June 4, 2002, the father of one of Fr Fletcher's victims told bishop Malone that his son had made a complaint to police and an investigation was underway.
Bishop Malone went to Branxton the same day and told Fr Fletcher of the investigation and who had made the complaint.
Sixteen days later Det Insp Fox spoke to Bishop Malone about the investigation and recommended that he stand Fr Fletcher down and not allow him to be alone with children.
Straight after that meeting, Bishop Malone went to Branxton and said he asked Fr Fletcher to stand down but he refused.
In answer to questions by Ms Lonergan, Bishop Malone said that while he could see that his speaking to Fr Fletcher could be interpreted as hindering an investigation, he viewed his visits as spontaneous actions, motivated by pastoral concern for another priest, whom he was aware had suffered a stroke a short time previously.
The commission will continue on Friday with Bishop Malone to resume giving evidence.