| Middle Ages Vatican Condemns New Age American Nuns: the Celestine Prophecy Come True! Sisters in Crisis Book Mocks Lcwr Sisters in Christ
By Paris Arrow
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
July 11, 2013
Below we cite an excerpt from the book The Celestine Prophecy that describes what is going on before our eyes in the USA today - between the Medieval Vatican and its obsolete doctrines and irrelevant dogmas - and the New Age American nuns who have evolved with the American people. The Machiavellian strategy of all male despots and male autocrats including and specially the Vatican is to suppress, kill, mock, banish or silence their members who disobey or disagree with their totalitarian obsolete decrees because these members consequently and effectively expose their monarchical deceits and crimes. With its Dark Ages doctrines, the Middle Ages Vatican is fearful of the New Age American nuns who are more in numbers than the dying breed of Catholic priests because these nuns have first-hand influence on the populace while the Vatican and its princes of Bishops and Cardinals are far-flung in Rome or are living in the lap of luxury in their Episcopalian palaces out-of-touch with reality away from its people. So the way they control these nuns is by final condemnations, destructions of their reputations and excommunication or banishments - exactly as the Celestine Prophecy describes.
The book The Celestine Prophecy sums up prophetically what is going on between the Middle Ages Vatican and the New Age American nuns. Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, Pope Francis, the Vatican, all priests and nuns, every Catholic, and the whole world should read this book because it is as its front page says, “The Manual for the Third Millennium”. We copy some important paragraphs here, painstakingly - in honor of the good nuns who have served the American people – who are unlike the out-of-touch with reality autocratic Popes, Cardinals and Bishops.
Excerpts from The Celestine Prophecy happening before our eyes especially the Middle Ages Vatican attacking the New Age American nuns:
“It’s not enough for me to tell you about it. Remember what I said before: to understand history, you must grasp how your everyday view of the world developed, how it was created by the reality of the people who lived before you. It took a thousand years to evolve the modern way of looking at things, and to really understand where you are today, you must take yourself back to the year 1000 and then move forward through the entire millennium experientially, as though you actually lived through the who period yourself in a single lifetime.”
“How do I do that?”
“I’ll guide you through it.”
I hesitated for a moment, glancing out the window at the land formations far below. Time was already beginning to feel different.
“I’ll try”, I said finally.
“Okay,” he replied, “imagine yourself being alive in the year one thousand, in what we have called Middle Ages. The first thing you must understand is that the reality of this time is being defined by the powerful churchmen of the Christian church. Because of their position, these men hold great influence over the minds of the populace. And the world these churchmen describe is real is, above all, spiritual. They are creating reality which places their idea about God’s plan for mankind at the very center of life.
“Visualize this,” he continued. “You find yourself in the class of your father – essentially peasant or aristocrat – and you know that you will always be confined to this class. But regardless of which class you’re in, or the particular work that you do, you soon realize that social position is secondary to the spiritual reality of life as defined by the churchmen.
“Life is about passing a spiritual test, you discover. The churchmen explain that God has placed mankind at the center of his universe, surrounded by the entire cosmos, for one solitary purpose: to win or lose salvation. And in this trial you must correctly choose between two opposing forces: the force of God and the lurking temptations of the devil.
“But understand that you don’t face this contest alone,” he continued. “In fact, as a mere individual you aren’t qualified to determine your status in this regard. This is the province of the churchmen; they are there to interpret the scriptures and to tell you every step of the way whether you are in accordance with God or whether you are being duped by Satan. If you follow their instructions, you are assured that a rewarding afterlife will follow. But if you fail to heed the course they prescribe, then well…there is excommunication and certain damnation.”
Dobson looked at me intensely. “The manuscript says that the important thing to understand here is that every aspect of the Medieval world is defined in other-worldly terms. All the phenomena of life – from the chance thunderstorm or earthquake to the success of crops or the death of a loved one – is defined either as the will of God or as the malice of the Devil. There is no concept of weather or geological forces or horticulture or disease. All that comes later. For now, you completely believe the churchmen; the world you take for granted operates solely by spiritual means.”
He stopped talking and looked at me. “Are you there?”
“Yes, I can see that reality.”
“Well, imagine that reality now beginning to break down.”
“What do you mean?”
“The Medieval world view, your world view, begins to fall apart in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. First, you notice certain improprieties on the part of the churchmen themselves: secretly violating their vows of chastity, for example, or taking gratuities to look the other way when governmental officials violate scriptural laws.
“These improprieties alarm you because these churchmen hold themselves to be the only connection between yourself and God. Remember they are the only interpreters of scriptures, the sole arbitrators of your salvation.
“Suddenly you are in the midst of outright rebellion. A group led by Martin Luther is calling for a complete break from papal Christianity. The churchmen are corrupt, they say, demanding an end to the churchmen’s reign over the minds of people. New churches are being formed based on the idea that each person should be able to have access to the scriptures personally and to interpret them as they wish, with no middlemen.
“As you watch in disbelief, the rebellion succeeds. The churchmen begin to lose. For centuries these men defined reality, and now, before your eyes, they are losing their credibility. Consequently, the whole world is being thrown into question. The clear consensus about the nature of the universe and about humankind’s purpose here, based as it was on the churchmen’s description is collapsing – leaving you and all the other humans in western culture in a very precarious place.
“After all, you have grown accustomed to having an authority in your life to define reality, and without that external direction you feel confused and lost. If the churchmen’s description of reality and the reason for human existence is wrong, you ask, then what is right?”
He paused for a moment. “Do you see the impact of this collapse on the people of that day?”
“I suppose it was somewhat unsettling,” I said.
“To say the least,” he replied. “There was a tremendous upheaval. The old world view was being challenged everywhere. In fact, by the 1600s, astronomers had proved beyond a doubt that the sun and stars did not revolve around the Earth as maintained by the church. Clearly the Earth was only one small planet orbiting a minor sun in a galaxy that contained billions of such stars.”
He leaned toward me. “This is important. Mankind has lost its place at the center of God’s universe. See the effect this had? Now, when you watch the weather, or plants growing, or someone suddenly die, what you feel is an anxious bafflement. In the past, you might have said that God was responsible, or the devil.
But as the medieval world view breaks down, that certainty goes with it. All the things you took for granted now need new definition, especially the nature of God and your relationship with God.
“With that awareness”, he went on, “the Modern Age begins. There is a growing democratic spirit and a mass distrust of papal and royal authority. Definitions of the universe based on speculation or scriptural faith are no longer automatically accepted. ..In spite of the loss of certainty, we didn’t want to risk some new group controlling our reality as the churchmen had. If you had been there you would have participated in the creation of a new mandate for science.”
“A what?”
He laughed. “You would have looked out on this vast undefined universe and you would have thought, as did the thinkers of that day, that we needed a method of consensus-building, a way to systematically explore this new world of ours. And you would have called this new way of discovering reality the scientific method, which is nothing more than testing an idea about how the universe works, arriving afterward at some conclusion, and then offering this conclusion to others to see if they agree…(Pages 22 to 25, The Celestine Prophecy)
But Christ has had enough with the Vatican and the Popes who have misused and abused his Name to control the poor even no through the secret Vatican Swiss Banks. And the Vatican finally got its greatest Jesuit deceiver, read our related article Pope Francis