| Australia Jp2 Army! Anne Lastman the False Witness to " the Limping Christ Towards Calvary" … She Camouflages John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
By Paris Arrow
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils...
July 11, 2013
At last, a female Vatican Pied Piper has arrived on the scene!
And she’s coming in all the way from Down Under in Australia! A far stretch of the Vatican Catholic Kingdom. Australia, a continent of the Vatican Catholic Church (no, it’s no longer the “Roman” Catholic Church -- because Rome is now a secular city).
Anne Lastman (ironic man’s name of a female Vatican Pied Piper) arrived just on time in Australia as Aussies awaken to the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – the tsunami of Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions being unraveled by the Royal Commission (see compilation of news articles below).
A Female Vatican Pied Piper
The article (see below) “Child sexual abuse: looking beyond the institutions” featured an excerpt from her book Redeeming Grief which has just been published, and it quoted Anne Lastman’s major statement (which is Vatican Deceit at its height):
“The Catholic Church…is a church limping towards Calvary, being spat upon, being vilified, despised. It's the one church which is the focal point of child sexual abuse allegations by its ministers and others within its ranks. And yet I would suggest that there is more to what we are seeing. We are seeing the crucifixion of the Bride of Christ just like the crucifixion of her Groom.”
But wait a minute...BEFORE we start “seeing” her Vatican-led Pied Piper cave; let’s dissect her Vatican Deceit strategy.
Let us educate all readers that this new Vatican female Pied Piper - cannot not and must not fool us one bit.
Let us set the record straight.
First, let Jesus Christ be Jesus Christ.
The Pope is NOT Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is NOT the Pope.
Pope Francis or Benedict XVI Ratzinger, or John Paul II, no matter how “saintly” is not Jesus Christ.
Cardinals and Bishops are not Jesus Christ.
Catholic Priests are not Jesus Christ – even if they claim to be able to CLONE CHRIST instantly in the Holy Eucharist.
Having a BA or an MA in theology does not qualify one to speak for Jesus Christ or on behalf of Jesus Christ.
Anne Lastman with her theological degrees is not Jesus Christ and cannot speak on behalf of him either.
The 20th Century history has proven this with the Vatican Deceits of John Paul II and his thousands of JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – holy priests who claimed to be the face and representatives of Jesus Christ on Earth- with all their theological degrees – that they used those theological credentials to fool children and their parents and sodomize hundreds of thousands of children with the Priestly Sodomy of Biblical Proportions, read more here http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/