| Argo &“saint” John Paul II Are Make-believe Legends of Hollywood and the Vatican, the Twin Cities That “lie for a Living”
By Paris Arrow
Pope Crimes & Vatican Evils..
July 11, 2013
In Argo the Oscars Best Picture movie, Ben Affleck goes to fictional producer Lester Siegel (played by Alan Arkin who won Best Supporting Actor) who makes this statement (which is ironically true): You want to set up a movie in one week. You want to lie to Hollywood, a town where everybody lies for a living…
Argo and John Paul II are products of Hollywood and Vatican lies, lies, and lies. “Saint” John Paul II is the biggest Catholic farce. Argo and John Paul II share one thing in common: they are made-up, mythical and fallacious legends. Hollywood and the Vatican are identical power cities that “lie for a living” through costumes and spectacle ceremonies. The Vatican lies best through spectacles at St. Peter’s Square and Basilica and in all Catholic churches while Hollywood lies in all cinemas and television, the Oscars, Golden Globe, Hollywood Walk of Fame, red carpets, etc. Hollywood lies best through its made-up interpretations of people and events in movies like Argo, while the Vatican lies best through papal ruse and manipulation of dead people as “saints” like John Paul II who’ll be the greatest papal myth.
John Paul II papal farted at us Bostonians by promoting Cardinal Bernard Law to Rome after we forced him to resign as Archbishop of Boston when he admitted to aiding and abetting 80 pedophile priests. And now his perfect papal clone (bigger papal butt) the Jesuit pope, Pope Francis is now also papal farting at thousands of children worldwide - who were sodomized and ruined forever by the JP2 Army – even as Australia wakes up - to the reality of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. When it comes to lies and deception, the Vatican surpasses Hollywood.
[@3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.” http://popecrimes.blogspot.ca/2013/03/pope-francis-top-10-vatican-deceits_30.html . The Devil’s Bowels smell like roses at the Vatican http://jp2army.blogspot.ca/2010/12/devils-bowels-smell-like-roses-in.html The JP2 Army are like the Nazis – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army are all born out of the Devil’s Bowels, read more here "Heil Satanas JP2 Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts Rapists-Priests! John Paul II is the same yesterday and today-- he cannot protect children" http://jp2m.blogspot.ca/2011/05/heil-satanas-jp2-patron-saint-of.html" class="link">]
Vatican & Hollywood, twin cities where everybody “lies for a living”
In Argo the movie, Ben Affleck goes to fictional producer Lester Siegel (played by Alan Arkin) who makes these statements (ironically true):
You want to set up a movie in one week. You want to lie to Hollywood, a town where everybody lies for a living…
If I’m doing a fake movie, it’s gonna be a fake hit”.
If we’re gonna fool these people, it has to be big, and it has to have something that says it’s authentic.
If you wanna sell a lie…you get the press to sell it for you.
This thing’s an event. It’s gonna be a spectacle.
Ben Affleck, who produced, directed and starred in Argo the movie made-up ALL the obstacles of the escape from the embassy to the airport but despite that major fictitious chain of events, Argo won as the Best Picture of the Oscar Academy. The movie did not give due to the “true roles” of the Canadians who helped in the escape. Ben Affleck in the role of CIA Tony Mendez took all the glory and credits unto himself. According to Slate (see details in articles below): “It turns out Canadian Ambassador Ken Taylor (played by Victor Garber) and a fellow embassy employee John Sheardown – who does not appear in the film – were more involved with the rescue effort than the movie suggests. The two not only helped scout out the Iran airport in advance, but also purchased the Americans’ tickets, coached them in having a Canadian accent, and were even responsible for setting the rescue plan in motion to begin with”...
John Paul II the false legend of the downfall of communism
The Vatican keeps citing John Paul II as the one “responsible for the downfall of communism” through his vainglory few minutes’ speeches against communism, what perfect Vatican Deceit propagandas. Many books are now written by Opus Dei claiming that John Paul II was responsible for the downfall of communism in Europe – yeah right, while he sat in the lap of luxury at the Vatican Palace, hello?!?! Like Ben Affleck in the movie Argo who did not give proper dues to the Canadians who helped in the escape of the Americans from Iran, the Opus Dei also does not give proper credit to the countless people who marched and died in the streets of Poland for the downfall of communism.
Are Catholics and the world blind not to see that John Paul II neither marched in the streets of Poland or Berlin or China, which he could not as the wealthiest pope not physically or feasibly lay down his life in the soil of communist countries?? That he really was too busy living in the lap of luxury at the Vatican Palace surrounded by servants and the Swiss Guard Army , that he was too busy traveling non-stop listening to chants of “JP2 we love you” in the lifestyle of the rich and famous well-protected by the best police security that Vatican Mammon can buy?
Opus Dei’s Pope John Paul II is delusion and denial
The nature of faith is to believe in something larger than yourself.
The danger of faith is to believe something that isn't true – either because you need to believe it or because you can't face the truth.
That's when faith becomes delusion and denial.
It happened Friday, when celestial faith was projected onto a mortal, a priest, who pleaded no contest to sexually molesting a 13-year-old girl – even as the priest's friends watched the proceedings in court.
The Rev. Uriel Ojeda, once the shining star of the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, was handcuffed and taken into custody after accepting a plea for forcing himself on a young girl. It was a cold legal conclusion to a tragedy of faith placed too fervently in one young man. (See full article below by Marcos Breton)
This speedy canonization is Opus Dei’s “tragedy of faith” because they put too fervently Catholic faith into Pope John Paul II, the fictitious SAINT...
In the movie Argo, Ben Affleck and his two Hollywood cohorts celebrate their success by repeatedly saying, “Argo, fuck yourself”. Likewise, the same can be said: John Paul II, fuck yourself! Opus Dei, fuck yourself! Vatican, fuck yourself. Pope Francis, fuck yourself. Catholics, fuck youself!
To the Vatican Pied Pipers, fuck yourself. Bill Donohue, fuck yourself. John L. Allen Jr. fuck yourself!
Argo, fuck yourself. Saint John Paul 2, fuck yourself.