| Former Bishop Gives Evidence at Nsw Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
By Dan Cox
7 News
July 10, 2013
A former bishop of the Hunter Valley's Catholic Church has told a New South Wales inquiry into child sexual abuse his predecessor had a briefcase containing secret files.
Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox sparked the Special Commission with claims the church protected two paedophile priests.
Documents tendered at the commission show three former Maitland-Newcastle bishops, including Michael Malone, knew about abuse by priests James Fletcher and Denis McAlinden.
Bishop Malone today gave evidence at the public hearings in Newcastle, with around 50 people packing out the gallery.
He was the Maitland-Newcastle bishop from 1995 to 2011, and is the first church witness to come under examination at the inquiry.
Bishop Malone said when he was appointed, he did not know the bishop before him, Leo Clarke, and was "in total shock" to get the top job.
He told the inquiry that within months of his appointment he became aware of abuse allegations against McAlinden.
Bishop Malone said it was "well-known" that most dioceses had secret files on priests and he asked Bishop Clarke to "show him the skeletons".
He said Bishop Clarke had a briefcase, and when he asked what was in it, the bishop replied: "You'll find out".
Bishop Malone said the handover with Bishop Clarke lasted just five minutes and then he was out of the office "like a rocket".
He said he was not sure where the counsel assisting got the documents that have already been tendered to the commission, because he "did not have the luxury of accessing church archives" while he was the bishop of a "large and busy diocese".
Earlier today, a detective involved in the arrest of Fletcher told the inquiry he had no evidence of collusion within the Catholic Church.
Peter Fox was former policeman Donald Brown's supervisor in May 2003, when the pair interviewed and charged Fletcher over child sexual abuse.
Detective Chief Inspector Fox later wrote to the Ombudsman, complaining of collusion between five members of the Catholic Church in relation to Fletcher's investigation.
Mr Brown said he could "not form that view" as his "role was limited" and he did not have any information to suggest collusion.
He told the commission it was inaccurate that those comments be attributed to him.
The inquiry continues.