| Polo Pastor Expected in Court Today over Sexual Abuse Charges
By Nick Crow
Journal Standard
June 28, 2013
Charles Babler
Charles Babler, the 64-year-old Mount Morris man who had worked as a pastor with Crossroads Community Church in Polo for the past decade, will appear before a circuit court judge at 1 p.m. to face charges of criminal sexual abuse of a minor.
Babler was arrested by sheriff's deputies last Friday in the wake of an investigation of a 2011 incident in which police say he had contact with a person younger than 13.
Aggravated criminal sexual abuse is a Class 2 felony, punishable by three to seven years in prison. Probation is possible, and guilty offenders must register for mandatory lifetime classification as sexual predators.
Ogle County State's Attorney Mike Rock said that the charges facing Babler could be amended during the hearing.
Check back for updates later in the afternoon.