| Leaks to Herald LED to Formal Police Complaint: Inquiry
By Stephen Ryan
Newcastle Herald
June 26, 2013
SENIOR police were at the ‘‘end of our tether’’ following a series of leaks to the Newcastle Herald that led Detective Chief Inspector Wayne Humphrey to lodge a formal complaint against Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox, an inquiry heard on Wednesday morning.
Detective Humphrey said the leaks were interfering with an investigation into allegations of sexual abuse cover-ups within the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Diocese and were putting pressure on investigators.
Detective Humphrey said Detective Fox wanted to run the investigation and ‘‘it got to the stage where he couldn’t be told ‘no’’’.
Despite describing Detective Fox as a zealot when it came to investigating the church and an average investigator, Detective Humphrey said he held no animosity towards Detective Fox until Detective Fox made a series of assertions to the commission that Detective Humphrey said were lies.