| Quirke Report Recommendations
By Joe Humphreys
Irish Times
June 26, 2013
Mr Justice John Quirke: Conducted a three-month review and submitted his report to the Government.
Recommendations of Quirke report, all of which the Government says it accepts and will implement:
Survivors of the Magdalene laundries are to receive ex gratia lump-sum payments where qualification is “not dependent on proof of any hardship, injury or abuse”.
A woman who spent three months or less in the laundries will receive a lump sum of €11,500. For one year spent in the laundries it will be €20,500, and for five years €68,500. The maximum payment is €100,000 for women who were in a laundry for 10 years or more.
Women who are entitled to more than €50,000 through the scheme will receive a €50,000 lump sum, plus an annual payment calculated from the remaining sum, which would be paid weekly.
Applications must involve proof of identity and, where they exist, a copy of the records from the religious congregations responsible for the institution concerned.
Magdalene women will be granted free access to services including GP, hospital care, drugs and dental counselling, by way of an enhanced medical card.
All Magdalene women who have reached pensionable age will have income equivalent to the State contributory pension.
Those who have not reached pensionable age will have income of €100 per week.
All cash payments will be exempt from income tax and other taxes and will not be taken into account in means testing for social welfare or other benefits.
A dedicated unit will be created to provide advice and support, assistance in meeting with religious congregations and social opportunities to meet other such women.
Any previous payments made to the women under the Residential Redress Scheme should not be taken into account.
A memorial park will also be created and dedicated to the Magdalene women.